Using sections in the advanced template editor | HR Web Platform


Sections are a useful editing feature as they allow you to set a break in your document and create delignated space between certain sections of information. For example, you may have a pay entitlements section in your employee contract document, and the next section is focused on leave entitlements, so a section is a good feature to create clear separation in the document information.

You can use the Advanced Template Editor feature to add sections to your organisations HR documents. You can also use this feature to edit a section if the information needs updating or to delete a section you no longer need in your templates. To read details on how to access the Advanced Template Editor feature, please refer to this article.


HR Plan:   Premium   Platinum
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  We base the default access level on a per user basis and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access and excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Getting started

The below premises will walk you through how to create a section and add it to your document.

Create a section
  1. Open the required advanced editor document.
  2. Click the   button.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Title.
    • Optional.
    • Hide title. 
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. Click the Save and Preview button.
  6. Click either the Return button to exit the editor or the Edit button to make further changes.


The below premise will walk you through how to edit and/or delete section.

Edit a section
  1. Open the required advanced editor document.
  2. Hover over the section you need to edit and double-click the  button. 
  3. Make the required changes and click the OK button.
  4. Click the Save and Preview button.
  5. Click either the Return button to exit the editor or the Edit button to make further changes.
Delete a section
  1. Open the required advanced editor document.
  2. Set the mouse curser below the section block and press the Delete button on your keyboard.
  3. Click the Save and Preview button.
  4. Click either the Return button to exit the editor or the Edit button to make further changes.

Author recommended

So you have now managed your template sections and you are now wondering what next can I do. There are two recommendations I would make on this front and they are:

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