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How do I adjust the pay period dates FAQ via the Payroll Platform


How do I adjust the pay period dates of a pay run?


Payroll Plan:   Essentials   Standard   Premium


You can use the Adjust Pay Period feature to change the start and/or end date of a pay run.


If an employee's start or end date is before the pay period start date, the platform will remove them from the pay run.

To ensure accurate CPF calculations, it is strongly recommended to select and run the "Recalculate pay run" actions button after adjusting the pay period. Neglecting this step may result in inaccuracies in CPF calculations.

Adjusting pay period dates
  1. Click the Pay Run menu.
  2. Click on the pay run that needs dates adjusted.
  3. Click the Actions tab.
  4. Click the Pay Run Actions button.
  5. Click the Adjust Pay Period button.
  6. Complete the following fields:
    • Pay period ending.
    • Date pay run will be paid.
  7. Click the Save button.
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