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CPF Statutory reporting settings

Available for the following Payroll Plan: Standard, Premium

You can use the CPF Settings feature to add your organisation's CPF Submission Number (CSN). Which will then allow you to transact with the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB). You can add up to three CSNs to each of your organisations employing entities. Employers must pay and report the following contributions to the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) monthly:

  • Central Provident Fund (CPF).
  • Skills Development Levy (SDL).
  • Self Help Group (SHG).
  • Social Help and Assistance Raised by Employees (SHARE).

Getting started

Adding a CSN number
  1. Click the Business Settings menu.
  2. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Statutory Reporting Settings button.
  4. Click the CPF Settings tab.
  5. Click on the employing entity that needs a CSN number added.
  6. Click the Add Additional CSN button.
  7. Enter your CSN number into the CPF Submission Number field.
  8. Click the Save button.

Further information

Definition: Payment codes
PTE Used for mandatory CPF payments.
VCT Used for voluntary employer CPF payments.
AMS Used for voluntary employer MediSave payments

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