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Assigned learning report | HR Web Platform

It is important to have engaged employees within your organisation. One way of creating employee engagement is through continued investment in their skills via a Learning Management System (LMS). An LMS will provide your employees access to learning courses they can use to up-skill their current knowledge and become more productive in their role.

The Assigned Learning Report feature allows you to create a report on the progress made by your employees on their assigned learning material, and you can see details such as their pass status and their assigned content type. This feature also allows you to download the report as a CSV file.

Getting started

  Select which learning platform you integrated with for the relevant instructions.

EH Learning Go1


HR Plan:   Premium   Platinum
Learning Plan:   Standard   Plus
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  This is the default access level per user and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access, excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Create an assigned learning report
  1. Click the  Reports menu.
  2. Click the Development tab.
  3. Click the Assigned Learning box.
    screenshot of the reports menu, with a highlight on the development tab and assigned learning box
  4. Filter based on the following details:
    • Employee Name.
    • Course Name.
    • Status.
  5. Click the Filter button.
    screenshot of the assigned learning report page, with a highlight on the filter button

Data management

  Select which learning platform you integrated with for the relevant instructions.

EH Learning Go1


HR Plan:   Premium   Platinum
Learning Plan:   Standard   Plus
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  This is the default access level per user and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access, excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Download an assigned learning report
  1. Click the  Reports menu.
  2. Click the Development tab.
  3. Click the Assigned Learning box.
    screenshot of the reports menu, with a highlight on the development tab and assigned learning box
  4. Filter based on the following details:
    • Employee Name.
    • Course Name.
    • Status.
  5. Click the Filter button.
    screenshot of the assigned learning report page, with a highlight on the filter button
  6. Click the Download CSV button.
    screenshot showing the filtered assigned learning report, with a highlight on the download csv button

Author recommended

So you have now viewed your teams assigned learning material and you are now wondering what next can I do. There are two recommendations I would make on this front, and they are:

  • HR Platform: My Learning This feature summarises the learning content assigned to you and provides you with a direct link to access this content in our Employment Hero Learning platform.
  • HR Platform: Learning Management This feature summarises the learning content assigned to your team, and what progress they have made on these tasks. You can also use this feature to access the learning platform and assign additional learning material to your team.
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