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What are the different components of a performance review?

First up performance review rating

The first stage in building a performance review within the HR platform is the creation of a rating scale. You can build these based on your organisation's values, key performance indicators (KPIs), targets, or behaviour and competencies, which will help you identify areas where your employees are excelling and where they need improvement.

The Rating Scales feature allows you to build your own customisable rating scale, or you can choose from Employment Hero's pre-provided templates. The feature also allows you to edit the information if the contents have changed, or delete the data if it is no longer relevant.

HR Best Practise

This feature allows you to create your own rating scale that is appropriate to your organisation or your respective questions. Our HR Experts recommend you include a description when writing your own rating scales. These will be visible to your employees and managers during the review process and will provide objectivity and consistency.

Next up is the performance review questions

The second stage in building a performance review within the HR platform is the creation of review questions. You can build these based on your organisation's values, key performance indicators (KPIs), targets, or behaviour and competencies, allowing you to frame the opening statement for each of the rating scales you have created.

The Review Questions feature allows you to build your own customisable questions or you can choose from Employment Hero's pre-provided templates. The feature also allows you to edit the information if the contents have changed, or delete the data if it is no longer relevant.

HR Best Practise

This feature allows you to create a library of content that you can use in your review questionnaires, aka Templates. Our HR Experts recommend you write your questions from the perspective of the employee completing a self-review, as employees are in the driving seat of their own career.

Given this is a career development conversation, employees should complete the questionnaire first, followed by the manager providing commentary on the employees’ responses. A verbal discussion with both the employee and the manager involved should typically follow this process.

Next up is the performance review template

The third stage in building a performance review within the HR platform is the creation of a review template. The review template combines the rating scale and review questions you created previously, so the next stage involves working out how these two pieces of information interact.

The Review Templates feature allows you to either create a new template from scratch or you can copy an existing record if you want to use an already created template as your building base. You can also edit a previously created template if the information contained within changes, and you can delete a template if the data is no longer required.

HR Best Practise

You can create multiple different templates for your review questionnaires that your employees will complete. So you may wish to create different templates depending on the employee's role or level. Our HR Experts recommend you keep your templates short, with around five questions per template. Enabling you to provide targeted feedback on performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately set goals for future performance.

Next up is employee review period settings

The last stage in building a performance review within the HR platform is the creation and assigning of a review period. You will take the template you created previously, add in details such as the start and end date, and then choose what employees need assigning this finished performance review.

The Review Period feature allows you to add or remove users as needed and send reminders out to complete the assigned work. You can also view an employee and their manager's performance review progress from within this feature, or you can download a report outlining the progress made by all your employees and their managers.

HR Best Practise

You can choose when you will go live with the performance reviews to your employees and their respective managers. In extensive research, they found that annual performance reviews did not necessarily drive employee performance and/or engagement. Whereas a bi-annual or quarterly performance review gives an opportunity for more regular feedback.

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Further information

Review changed during the review period

If an employee's manager changes during the review period, then the HR platform will clear the previous manager's responses and set the new manager as the owner of the review.


Any changes made during the review period will automatically trigger email notifications to the employees assigned to that specific review period.

Review changed during the lockout period

If an employee's manager changes during the lockout period, then the HR platform will keep the manager's responses and the previous manager will remain assigned to the review.


Any changes made during the review period will automatically trigger email notifications to the employees assigned to that specific review period.

Review changed after the lock-out period

If an employee's manager changes after the lock-out period, then the HR platform will keep the managers' responses and the previous manager will remain assigned to the review.


Extending the lock-out date of a review will not allow you to change the manager of a review. To change the manager of a review, make sure the end date of the review period is a future date before changing the employee's primary manager.

Comparison: Summary report vs full report
Field Summary report Full report
Review title    
Review period    
Lock out date    
Employee's first name    
Employee's last name    
Employee review status    
Manager's first name    
Manager's last name    
Overall employee rating    
Overall manager rating    
Review template    
Question title    
 Employee score    
Employee comment    
Manager's score    
Manager's comment    


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