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Create a roster report on the HR platform

Available for the following HR plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin    Manager

Admins and managers can filter, view and download the rostering report in the reports module on the HR platform.

Getting started

Run the rostering report
  1. Log into your Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. On the left-hand side menu, click Reports.
  3. Click the Time tab.
    click on the time tab in reports
  4. Click Roster Report.
    click on the roster report tile
  5. Select the following report filters:
    • Employee
    • Date of shift
    • Rostered start time
    • Rostered end time
    • Break start time
    • Break end time
    • Total hours excluding breaks
    • Cost centre
    • Certification
    • Status - draft, published, unpublished
    • Shift cost
    • Work Type (if connected to a payroll account).
      filter roster report
  6. Here you will see your report data on screen. 
Download a report to a CSV file
  1. Log into your Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. On the left-hand side menu, click Reports.
  3. Click the Time tab.
    click on the time tab in reports
  4. Click Roster Report.
    click on the roster report tile
  5. Select the following report filters:
      • Employee
      • Date of shift
      • Rostered start time
      • Rostered end time
      • Break start time
      • Break end time
      • Total hours excluding breaks
      • Cost centre
      • Certification
      • Status - draft, published, unpublished
      • Shift cost
      • Work Type (if connected to a payroll account).

    filter the roster report
  6. Once you can see your report data, click on the download icon in the top right-hand side of the screen.
    click on the download button to download to a csv file

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