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How do I add work types, roles and certifications to shifts via the HR platform?

Available for the following HR plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin    

If a shift has specific employee or qualification requirements, a manager or admin user can add work types (for payroll-connected organisations only), roles and certifications to shifts.

Getting started

Add a role to a shift
  1. Log into your Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. On the left-hand side menu, click on Time.
  3. Under the Rosters subheading, click on Rostering Management.
  4. Click on the Roster Actions button.
    Click on the roster actions button
  5. Add the role name and colour.
    add a role name and colour
  6. Click the Add Role button.
    add a role name and colour then click on add role button
  7. Back on the Rostering Management screen, click on the day you want to add a shift.
  8. Add the following details:
    • From
    • To
    • Add break (optional)
    • Location
    • Certification
    • Employee
    • Role (choose the role you wish to add for this shift)
    • Work type (optional)
    • Notes
  9. Click the Save button.
    create a shift, add the role then click save
  10. You will see the role added to the shift on the roster. 
Add a certification to a shift
  1. Log into your Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. On the left-hand side menu, click the Settings option. 
  3. Under the General Settings submenu, click on Certification Settings. 
  4. Click the Add Certification button.
    click on the add certification button
  5. Add the following details:
    • Certification name
    • Certification type
    • Description (optional)
    • State/territory 
    • Additional information (optional)
    • Assign to.
  6. Click on the Next button.
    screenshot iof the first page of adding a certification then click next
  7. On the next page, select the following:
    • Is this certification mandatory?
    • How often does this certification need to be renewed?
    • Require the personnel to provide supporting documentation?
    • Is approval required?
    • Restrict security groups from accessing this certification on assignee files?
    • Add question regarding previous driving offences?
    • Add certification number?
  8. Click Save.
    screenshot of the second page of adding a certification and then click save
  9. Click the Create button.
    Are you sure that you want to create your white card
  10. Next, navigate to the Time icon on the left-hand side menu. 
  11. Under the Rosters subheading, click on Rostering Management.
  12. Click the day on which you want to add a new shift.
  13. Add the following details:
    • From
    • To
    • Add break (optional)
    • Location
    • Certification (choose from the drop-down list) 
      add certification to shift
    • Employee
    • Role 
    • Work type (optional)
    • Notes (optional).
  14. Click the Save button.
    add a certification to a shift then click save
Add a work type to a shift (for payroll-connected organisations only)
  1. Log into your Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. Click on the Time icon on the left-hand side menu. 
  3. Under the Rosters subheading, click on Rostering Management.
  4. Click the day on which you want to add a new shift.
  5. Add the following details:
    • From
    • To
    • Add break (optional)
    • Location
    • Certification 
    • Employee (you will need to select an employee before selecting the Work Type)
      select your employee before selecting your work type
    • Role 
    • Work type (choose from the drop-down menu)
      add a work type to a shift in the create a shift panel
    • Notes (optional).
  6. Click the Save button.
    add a work type to a shift in the create a shift panel then click save

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