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How do I enable the ATO integration for super stapling? via the Payroll platform

Available for the following Payroll Plan: Premium
Available for the following User Access levels: Admin

A stapled super fund is an existing superannuation account that is linked—or "stapled"—to an employee, following them as they move between jobs. The stapled super fund service allows you to request the employee’s stapled super fund details directly from the ATO. Before you can request the details of an employee's stapled super fund, you need to set up the integration with the ATO. This article explains how to set up that integration.


If you have already set up the ATO integration and want to request an employee's stapled super fund, please follow the instructions in this article.

Enabling the ATO integration for super stapling

Step 1: Check the ATO Integration for STP

Before you begin, ensure that the ATO integration for Single Touch Payroll (STP) is active. If you are unsure how to activate this integration, refer to the article “How do I enable the ATO Integration for Single Touch Payroll (STP)?”

Step 2: Configure the Payroll Software ID in the ATO Access Manager
  1. From the dashboard, click Payroll settings, then ATO settings.
    ATO settings highlighted.jpg
  2. Click Electronic Lodgement and STP.
    Electronic lodgement button highlighted.jpg
  3. Copy the Software ID number.
    Software ID highlighted.jpg
  4. Log in to the ATO Business Manager tool.
  5. Follow the ATO's instructions about how to add a software ID. These can be found on the ATO's website here.
  6. Once the Software ID has been added, you will be ready to request the Stapled Super details of your employees.

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