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How do I run a Super Stapling report? via the Payroll platform

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following User Access levels: Manager  , Admin  

The Employee Super Stapling report lets you track the status of superannuation requests sent to, and responses received, from the ATO. This report provides a detailed overview of all employees whose superannuation details have been queried, allowing you to monitor and manage this aspect of your payroll process. You can customise the report by filtering results based on date range, location, employee, and the status of your requests, enabling you to focus on the specific details that matter most to your business.


If you would like to request an employee's super details from the ATO, please follow the instructions in this article.

Run a report

How to run a Super Stapling Report
  1. Log in to your Payroll Platform.
  2. Click the Reports menu.
  3. Click Employee Super Stapling, within the ATO Reporting section.
    Super stapling report link
  4. Use the Filters to choose:
    • Date range
    • Location
    • Employee
    • Status
  5. Click Run Report.
    Super stapling report run report
  6. The employees and the details of the queries will appear in the  Employee Superannuation Stapling Details section.
    Super stapling report run

Download a report

How to download a Super Stapling Report
  1. Once you have run the report, click the Download button.
    Super stapling report download
  2. Your file will automatically download.
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