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Find out who is interested for an open job role

Available for the following HR plans: Free, Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Manager    , Admin    

SmartMatch allows you to find out who is interested in your open role postings.

How it works

SmartMatch data looks at a job seeker's information to see if they would like to apply for your job ad, like their current job title, or working location. You can then send a notification to a large group of potential candidates to encourage them to seek further information regarding the role.

What you need to do

There are two steps an administrator or hiring manager needs to take to identify and send a notification to interested candidates. An administrator needs to complete these actions via the Recruitment module.

Step 1: Identify interested candidates
  1. Select the Recruitment menu.
  2. Select the SmartMatch module.
  3. Create a job posting, if you have not already done so. Click here to find out how to create a new job ad.
  4. On the SmartMatch dashboard, select View Matches next to the role you would like to recruit for.
  5. The Recommended Talent side panel will slide out, where you can view potential candidates.
Step 2: Send a notification to interested candidates
  1. Select the Recruitment menu.
  2. Select the SmartMatch module.
  3. On the SmartMatch dashboard, select View Matches next to the role you would like to recruit for.
  4. On the Recommended Talent side panel, select Find Me Who's Interested.
  5. You will be notified that a number of candidates have been contacted and encouraged to enquire about the role.
  6. If a candidate has been included, they will see the following notifications:
    • When viewing the job ad in the Employment Hero Jobs app:
    • As an email:
  7. From the job role page, you can track the contacted candidates status. Candidates will progress through the following stages:
    • Checking interest - A notification has been sent to the candidate.
    • Interested - A candidate has responded to the notification.

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