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Approve leave for an employee with no manager

Available for the following HR plans: Free, Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin

In some organisations, employees such as CEOs or managing directors may not have an assigned manager to approve their leave requests. In these cases, an admin can approve leave for these individuals directly. This article will guide you through the process.

When searching for an employee's leave request on the Leave Management page, only direct reports will show up initially. You can use the filters to find other leave requests. For employees with no manager, you must ensure the Reporting personnel filter is set to All personnel.

Approve leave for an employee with no manager

How to approve leave for an employee with no manager
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave Management submenu.
  3. Click the Filter button and make sure the following filters are selected, in order to find the employee's leave request:
    • Status: Pending.
    • Reporting personnel: All personnel.
    • You can also add the relevant dates, employee name and leave category to help you filter.
      All personnel leave management
  4. When you have found the leave request, click the Action button on that row.
  5. Click the View button.
    screenshot of the leave management screen, with a highlight on the view button for an employee's leave
  6. Click the Approve button.
    screenshot of the leave request pop up, highlighting the approve button

Further information

Who gets emailed when an employee with no manager requests leave?
When an employee has a primary or secondary manager assigned to their employee file, the system automatically sends the leave request email to that manager for review. If no manager is assigned, as in this case, the email is sent to all platform Admins instead.

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