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Clerks Private Sector Award (MA000002) Updates: Key Changes You Need to Know

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the changes made to the Clerks Private Sector Award to ensure compliance with relevant Fair Work clauses.

If you have any customised rules within the award, it is important to note:

  1. Customised rules will not automatically update when you apply award updates to your system.
  2. Review and understand any changes made to the award rules.
  3. Verify that your customised rules are not affected by these changes. If the changes do impact your customised rules, you will need to update them manually.

To edit or add customised rules, award rules must first be unlocked. For step-by-step instructions, please refer to this article.

What's new

Below is a summary of the implemented updates and guidance for their application.

New Rules Added to All Rule Sets

Motorcycle Allowance as per clause 19.6(a)(ii)
  • "Motorcycle Allowance" - employees should select this work type when they use their own motor vehicle to perform their duties. Employees will receive the motorcycle allowance, capped at 400 units per week.

Expected Result:


Overtime Meal Allowances as per clause 19.5
  • “Overtime Meal” - employees should select this work type when working overtime exceeding 1.5 hours to receive the applicable meal allowance. If the overtime exceeds 4 hours, they will be entitled to an additional meal allowance.
  • By selecting the "Overtime Meal" work type, you indicate your intention to pay the meal allowances to employees rather than supplying meals directly.If you wish to provide meals instead of paying a meal allowance, or if your requirements differ, customisation of the overtime meal allowance will be necessary. This process ensures compliance with payroll obligations while aligning with your preferred method of managing overtime meal entitlements.

Expected Result:


LAFHA - Travel Time as per clause 19.7(c)
  • New work type:
    • "LAFHA - travel time" - employees should select this work type for the time spent travelling between the employee's usual place of employment and the temporary location. Employees will receive the travel time allowance, capped at 8 units per day.

Expected Result:


New rules applicable to day workers

Period Overtime as per clause 13.2
  • Overtime would be calculated accordingly when worked exceeding the specific hours within each period respectively.
    • 38 hours in a week.
    • 76 hours in a fortnight.
    • 114 hours in a 3-week period.
  • Please ensure you customise and select the relevant rule set period for your business. Unless customised, by default, the rule set period is Weekly.
Minimum Cumulative Overtime as per clause 21.3
  • An employee is entitled to be paid overtime when the total overtime as employee has worked in one week reaches a minimum of half an hour.

Expected Result:

  • No overtime payment if overtime is less than 30 minutes.



  • Overtime is paid for overtime hours greater than or equal to 30 minutes.



Ordinary Hours (Sunday) as per clause 24.3
  • New work type:
    • "Sunday as ordinary hours" - use this work type when employees are directed to work ordinary hours on a Sunday.
  • New pay categories:
    Pay Category Super Rate Payment Classification Penalty Loading
    • Permanent - Sunday
    11.5% Default 100%
    • Casual - Sunday
    11.5% Default 125%

Expected Result:


Minimum Overtime - Saturday as per clause 21.4(b)
  • Employees are entitled to a minimum of 3 hours at overtime rates if they work on a Saturday after completing 38 hours from Monday to Friday.

Expected Result:



Make-up Time as per clause 13.8
  • Employers and employees must ensure that make-up time is worked within the span of ordinary hours.
  • New work type:
    • "Make-up time" - The use of the work type allows employers ease of reporting on these hours worked.

Expected Result:




New Rules Applicable to Shiftworkers

Period Overtime as per clause 26.1
  • Overtime would be calculated accordingly when worked exceeding the specific hours within each period respectively.
    • 38 hours in a week.
    • 76 hours in a fortnight.
    • 114 hours in a 3-week period.
  • Please ensure you customise and select the relevant rule set period for your business. Unless customised, by default, the rule set period is Weekly.
Penalty shift work if the shift starts at 11:00pm on a Saturday, Sunday, or Public Holiday as per clause 31.2
  • Sunday/Public Holiday shifts starting between 11pm and midnight, and extending to a non-public holiday are not entitled to the Sunday or public holiday penalty rate for the time worked on that Sunday or public holiday as per clause 31.2(a).
  • Saturday/any Public holiday shifts starting between 11pm and midnight, and extending to Sunday or public holiday are entitled to the Sunday or public holiday penalty rate for the time worked on that day as per clause 31.2(b).

Expected Results:

  • Shift starts at 11:00pm on Saturday and extends into Sunday.
    • The entire shift is entitled to be paid at the Sunday penalty rate.


  • Shift starts at 11:00pm on Sunday and extends into a non-public holiday.
    • The time worked from 11:00pm to midnight on a Saturday is not entitled to be paid at the Sunday penalty rate. Instead, the entire shift is paid at the Night Shift penalty rate.


  • Shift starts at 11:00pm on Sunday and extends into a public holiday.
    • The entire shift is entitled to be paid at the Public Holiday penalty rate.


  • Shift starts at 11:00pm on a non-public holiday and extends into a public holiday.
    • The entire shift is entitled to be paid at the Public Holiday penalty rate.


  • Shift starts at 11:00pm on a public holiday and extends into a non-public holiday.
    • The time worked from 11:00pm to midnight on the public holiday is not entitled to be paid at the Public Holiday penalty rate. Instead, the entire shift is paid at the Night Shift penalty rate.


Work Outside Ordinary Working Day - Saturday/Sunday/Public Holiday as per clauses 28.1 and 28.3
  • "Work Outside Ordinary Days" - this work type should be used for hours worked on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday that is not an ordinary working day.
  • A minimum of 4 hours of pay at the overtime rate is applicable.

Expected Result:


Public Holiday Not Worked (No Overtime)
  • In instances where overtime is entered on timesheets during public holidays not worked, overtime payment would not be paid.


Revised Rules Applicable to All Rule Sets

Motor Car Allowance as per clause 19.6
  • The maximum allowance payable is now capped at 400 kms (units) per week.
Laundry Allowance for Part-Time and Casual Employees as per clause 19.4(d)(ii)
  • The allowance limit has been updated to 5 units per week (previously 1 unit per day).

Minimum Shift Engagement for Part-Time and Casual Employees
  • New work type and shift condition:

    • “No Minimum Shift Engagement” - use this work type for shifts not requiring minimum engagement.

Higher Duties as per clause 19.3
  • The rule now excludes higher classification pay if the employee performs higher classification duties for not more than one day.
Stop Processing Allowances
  • The First Aid Officer work type has been removed, while LAFHA - Travel Fares and LAFHA - Meals & Accommodation have been added.
Time Worked format
  • The rules have been updated to Time Worked format to ensure that the rules would apply accurately and as intended.
  • Timesheet Submission:
    • To enable accurate rule application, employees must submit timesheets that include both start and end times for their shifts.
    • For employees who submit timesheets in units rather than time, a customised rule will be required to convert these units into start and end times.

Revised Rules for Day Workers

Automatic Meal Break
  • Added exclusions for leave work types, including LAFHA – Travel Time, Make-Up Time, and No Meal Break (SC).
No Meal Break Rules
  • Introduced a “No Meal Break” shift condition.

  • The rule has been updated to apply when an employee works more than five hours without a break, as outlined in Clause 15.4.

Public Holiday
  • Updated the rule to ensure that public holiday penalty rates and overtime payments are applied accurately.
Public Holiday Not Worked (No Overtime)
  • The pay category is now set to None, ensuring no overtime payment for public holidays not worked.
Rest Period After Working Overtime
  • Due to system limitations in identifying whether the previous shift is overtime or not, a new work type has been introduced.

  • New work type

    • “No rest period after overtime” - employees should select this work type when an employee resumes working ordinary hours without having at least 10 consecutive hours off duty following overtime, in compliance with the provisions outlined in clauses 22.3 and 22.4.

    In the example below, the criteria are met:

  • The employee worked overtime from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm in the previous shift.

  • The break between this shift and the next is less than 10 hours.

  • Therefore, the employee must select the “No Rest Period After Overtime” work type on their timesheet to ensure proper application of the rules.

Helpful Hint

Please ensure all employees are informed of this new work type to maintain compliance and accuracy in payroll processing.


First Aid Allowance
  • The requirement for the allowance to apply to the “First shift of the day” has been removed as per Clause 19.2.

Revised Rules for Shiftworkers

Rest Period After Working Overtime.
  • Due to system limitations in identifying whether the previous shift is overtime or not, a new work type has been introduced.
    • New work type

      • “No rest period after overtime” - employees should select this work type when an employee resumes working ordinary hours without having at least 8 consecutive hours off duty following overtime, in compliance with the provisions outlined in clauses 30.4 and 30.5.

      In the example below, the criteria are met:

    • The employee worked overtime from 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm in the previous shift.

    • The break between this shift and the next is less than 8 hours.

    • Therefore, the employee must select the “No Rest Period After Overtime” work type on their timesheet to ensure proper application of the rules.

Helpful Hint

Please ensure all employees are informed of this new work type to maintain compliance and accuracy in payroll processing.


Permanent Night Shift
  • A condition has been added specifying that the shift end time must fall between 12:01 am and 7:00 am.
Maximum Daily Hours
  • Hours exceeding 10 will now be directed to the OT Clearing bucket rather than automatically applying overtime penalty rates. The respective overtime penalty rates would be calculated accordingly.
Maximum Weekly/Fortnightly/Three-Weekly/Four-Weekly Hours
  • Hours exceeding 38 (weekly), 76 (fortnightly), 114 (three-weekly), or 152 (four-weekly) will now be directed to the Weekly OT Clearing bucket rather than automatically applying overtime penalty rates. The respective overtime penalty rates would be calculated accordingly.

Deleted Rules

Public Holiday Not Worked
  • This rule has been removed for casual rule sets.
COVID-19 Flexibility Rules
  • All rules related to pandemic flexibility, such as Working from Home and COVID-19 Not Worked, have been removed. The associated work types are now marked with an asterisk (*) to indicate they are no longer required. 
No Meal Break Rules
  • Removed all rules related to No Meal Break as per clause 27 for shiftworkers.

Unused Work Types
  • Removed from the rules and marked with an asterisk (*) for reference.

Employment Agreement Update

A duplicate version of the Shiftworker Level 5 - Casual Employment Agreement has been identified and marked with an asterisk (*). This version will no longer be updated. Please ensure that employees assigned to the asterisked agreement are moved to the correct Shiftworker Level 5 - Casual Employment Agreement (without the asterisk).

We have also updated the rankings of the following Employment Agreements to align with Schedule A of the award.

  • Day Worker Call Centre Principal Customer Contact Specialist from rank 1 to 4
  • Day Worker Call Centre Technical Associate from rank 1 to 7
  • Day Worker Level 4 from rank 4 to 5
  • Day Worker Level 5 from rank 5 to 6
  • Shiftworker Call Centre Principal Customer Contact Specialist from rank 1 to 4
  • Shiftworker Call Centre Technical Associate from rank 1 to 7
  • Shiftworker Level 4 from rank 4 to 5
  • Shiftworker Level 5 from rank 5 to 6
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