Manage pay run super adjustment lines via the payroll platform

Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium

You can use a feature called super adjustments to make once-off super corrections for your employees in a Pay Run. This allows you to select the super adjustment category, such as a super guarantee or employee contribution, add any notes for record keeping, and enter an adjustment amount. A Pay Run needs to be created before you can add or remove an employee's super adjustment line. 

Helpful Hint

If you need to make a recurring super adjustment that runs over multiple pay runs, you can automate this task by using the Pay Run Inclusions feature. 

Interactive learning

Click here for an interactive demo

Getting started

Adding an employee super adjustment line
  1. Click the Pay Runs menu.
  2. Click on the Pay Run you need.
  3. Click on the name of an employee to expand their earnings.
    This is a screenshot showing where to click on an employee's name within a pay run.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Adjust super button.
    This is a screenshot showing where to click on the Adjust Super button.
  6. Complete the following field:
    • Super adjustment category:
      • Super Guarantee.
      • Employee Contribution (RESC).
      • Employee Contribution (Non-RESC).
      • Salary Sacrifice.
      • Member Voluntary.
    • Notes
    • Amount.
  7. Click the Save button.
    This is a screenshot showing where to save a super adjustment within a pay run.

Daily activities

Editing an employee's super adjustment line
  1. Click the Pay Runs menu.
  2. Click on the Pay Run you need.
  3. Click on the name of an employee to expand their earnings.
    This is a screenshot showing where to click on an employee's name within a pay run.
  4. Make the required changes and click the Save button.
    This is a screenshot showing how to edit super adjustment within a pay run.
Deleting an employee's super adjustment line
  1. Click the Pay Runs menu.
  2. Click on the Pay Run you need.
  3. Click on the name of an employee to expand their earnings.
    This is a screenshot showing where to click on an employee's name within a pay run.
  4. Click the red cross icon to delete the super adjustment line.
    This is a screenshot showing where to click on an employee's name within a pay run.
  5. Click the Delete button.
    This is a screenshot showing where to delete a super adjustment pay run.

Explore related content

  • Manage pay run PAYG lines This payroll platform article will walk you through adding or deleting employee PAYG lines from the Pay Run.
  • Manage employee deductions within a pay run This payroll platform article will walk you through the steps you need to add or delete any employee deductions within a Pay Run to keep an accurate record of their pay entitlements.
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