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Set up custom branding via the HR platform

Available for the following HR plan: Platinum

You can replace the Employment Hero logo, background, and colour with the logos, backgrounds, and colour schemes used by your organisation using the Custom Branding feature. 

This allows you to match the branding of your HR platform, email notifications and login page with your organisation's visuals.

Getting started

Add custom branding: sidebar logo

You can customise the sidebar logo at the top right of the platform with this setting. 

  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Custom Branding submenu.
  3. Select Edit under the Sidebar Navigation option.
    screenshot of custom branding page, highlighting edit button
  4. Click the Upload button.
  5. Set the image size and position and click the Save button. The platform will show you a preview of your changes.
  6. Click the Save button to apply your changes.
    Screenshot of sidebar navigation customization, highlighting save button

Add custom branding: desktop login logo and background

You can customise the logo and background of the Employment Hero login screen with this setting.

  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Custom Branding submenu.
  3. Select Edit under the Desktop Login option.
    screenshot of custom branding page, highlighting desktop login edit button
  4. You can upload your custom logo and/or background by clicking the Upload button. The platform will show you a preview of your changes.
  5. Click the Save button to apply your changes.
    Screenshot of customise desktop login and background, highlighting save button

Add custom branding: email header

You can customise the logo in emails sent out by the Employment Hero platform to users with this setting.

  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Custom Branding submenu.
  3. Select Edit under the Email Header option.
    screenshot of custom branding page, highlighting email header edit button
  4. Click the Upload button.
  5. Set the image size and position and click the Save button. The platform will show you a preview of your changes.
  6. Click the Save button to apply your changes.
    Screenshot of email header customisation, highlighting save button

Add custom branding: custom colour scheme

You can customise the colour scheme of the platform with this setting.

  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Custom Branding submenu.
  3. Select Edit under the Custom Colour Scheme option.
    screenshot of custom branding page, highlighting custom colour scheme edit button
  4. Click the box under Choose a Colour.
  5. Set your main colour scheme. You can switch between RGB, HSL, and HEX using the option shown. Screenshot of custom colour scheme, highlighting colour values switcher
  6. The platform will show you a preview of your changes, including a contrast checker for readability.
  7. Click the Save button to apply your changes.
    screenshot of custom colour scheme page, highlighting save button


Edit custom branding
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Custom Branding submenu.
  3. Click the Edit button.
    screenshot of custom branding page, highlighting edit button
  4. Click the Upload button.
  5. Set the image size and position and click the Save button. The platform will show you a preview of your changes.
  6. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of customise sidebar navigation screen, highlighting save button
Disable custom branding
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Custom Branding submenu.
  3. Click the Feature Status toggle switch.
    screenshot of custom branding page, highlighting on button
  4. Click the Confirm button.

Re-enable custom branding
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Custom Branding submenu.
  3. Click the Feature Status toggle switch.
    screenshot of custom branding page, highlighting off button

Explore related content

  • Set account language This article will walk you through changing your account's language.
  • Customise side navigation menu This article will walk you through enabling or disabling HR platform features that you many not want your employees and/or independent contractors accessing.
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