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Apply a pay rate template update

Available for the following HR Plan: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Payroll Plan: Standard, Premium

Pay rates templates allow you to group pay rates together so you can assign them to employees in one instance. Sometimes your pay rates may require updating because of changes in pay conditions or interpretations. When this occurs, you will just need to update the data within the pay rate template within the payroll platform and then sync these changes over to the HR platform.

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What you need to do

There are three steps that an administrator needs to complete to apply a pay rate template update. An administrator needs to complete these actions on both the Employment Hero HR and Payroll platforms. The three steps are:

Step 1: Updating a pay rate template

Pay rates templates allow you to group pay rates together so you can assign them to employees in one instance. These templates may require updating because of changes in pay conditions or interpretations. The steps on how to undertake this are:

  1. Log into Employment Hero Payroll.
  2. Click the Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  4. Click the Pay Rate Templates button.
  5. Click on the Pay Rate Template that needs updating.
    screenshot of pay rate templates screen, highlighting template that needs updating
  6. Update the following fields if they have changed:
    • Name.
    • Primary pay category.
  7.  In the Pay Rates table, complete the following columns if they have changed:
    • Enabled.
    • Rate.
    • Super Rate.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save button.
    screenshot of pay rate templates screen, highlighting save button
Step 2: Importing the pay rate template

The HR platform is the source of truth for your company settings, payroll settings, and employee file data. In order for you to apply the latest pay rate template updates to your employees, it requires you to manually import the updated information from the payroll platform. The steps on how to undertake this are:

  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. Click the General Settings menu. 
  3. Click the Add-ons submenu. 
  4. Click the Action button next to the Employment Hero Payroll entry. 
  5. Click the Update button. 
    screenshot of add ons screen, highlighting action menu and update button
  6. In the Update Data screen, under the Pay Items section, click the Update from Payroll button.

    Helpful Hint

    The Pay Items section will now show a green Updated button. This means the HR platform has successfully imported your pay items from the payroll platform.

    screenshot of update data screen, highlighting pay items update from payroll button
Step 3: Viewing the employee file

The HR platform is the source of truth for your company settings, payroll settings, and employee file data. What this means is you can view that the employee has the correct pay rate template applied through their employee file in the HR platform. The steps on how to undertake this are:

  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. Click the People menu.
  3. Click the Employees List submenu.
  4. Click the employee name that needs their pay rate template viewed.
    screenshot of employees list, highlighting employees name
  5. Click the Pay Details tab.
  6. Click the Salary History tab.
  7. Click the Actions button.
  8. Click the Edit button.
    screenshot of pay details screen, highlighting edit button

    Helpful Hint

    You will see the employee's pay rate template details on your screen.

    screenshot of pay rates templates screen, highlighting pay rates table

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