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Employee super and PAYG opening balances

Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium

When transitioning from another payroll provider to Employment Hero's payroll platform, you may have employees that have existing Year to Date (YTD) Super and PAYG amounts. The Opening Balances Super and PAYG feature allows you to select an employee file and enter their accrued YTD Super and PAYG amounts. You can also use this feature to clear the opening balances if you entered the wrong YTD figures into their employee file.

Getting started

Add opening Super and PAYG balances
  1. Click the Employee menu.
  2. Click the List submenu.
  3. Click on the employee who needs Super and PAYG amounts added.
  4. Click the Opening Balances button.
  5. Click the Super and PAYG tab.
  6. Enter the required Super and PAYG figures.
  7. Click the Save button.


Clear opening Super and PAYG balances
  1. Click the Employee menu.
  2. Click the List submenu.
  3. Click on the employee who needs Super and PAYG amounts cleared.
  4. Click the Opening Balances button.
  5. Click the Super and PAYG tab.
  6. Click the Clear button.
  7. Click the Save button.

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