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Employee timesheet submission reporting | HR Web Platform

Within your organisation, you may have employees who need to submit a timesheet that lists out what hours they worked and the breaks they took over their last working week. An online timesheet submission platform will allow employees to submit their hours wherever they are, be it in the office or in the field. With this information sent through to their manager to review and approve.

The Timesheet Reporting feature allows you to create a report on your organisation's timesheet submissions and see details such as the current approval stage and the allocated work type. You can also use this feature to download a CSV file of the data, enabling you to load the report into a CSV-supported program like Microsoft Excel.


HR Plan:   Free   Standard   Premium   Platinum
Payroll Plan:   Standard   Premium
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  We base the default access level on a per user basis and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access and excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Getting started

Create a timesheet report
  1. Click the   Reports menu.
  2. Click the Time tab.
  3. Click the Timesheet Report box.
    screenshot of the reports page, with a highlight on the time tab and the timesheet report box
  4. Filter based on the following:
    • Show terminated personnel.
    • Personnel.
    • Cost Centre.
    • Date range.
    • Status.
    • Work Type.
    • Australia.
  5. Click the Filter button.
    screenshot of the timesheet report page showing the search filters, with a highlight on the filter button

Data management

Download your timesheet report
  1. Click the   Reports menu.
  2. Click the Time tab.
  3. Click the Timesheet Report box.
    screenshot of the reports page, with a highlight on the time tab and the timesheet report box
  4. Filter based on the following:
    • Show terminated personnel.
    • Personnel.
    • Cost Centre.
    • Date range.
    • Status.
    • Work Type.
    • Australia.
  5. Click the Filter button.
  6. Click the Download CSV button.
    screenshot of the timesheet report page showing the search filters, with a highlight on the filter and download csv buttons

Author recommended

So you have now run a timesheet report and you are now wondering what next can I do. There are two recommendations I would make on this front and they are:

  • HR Platform Timesheet Management This section contains the timesheet management articles for the Employment Hero web platform and you can use these articles to understand how to approve any outstanding timesheets. 
  • HR Mobile App Timesheet Management This section contains the timesheet management articles for the Employment Hero mobile app and you can use these articles to understand how to approve any outstanding timesheets. 
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