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Labour Market Assistance Industry Award 2020 (MA000099)

The article provides guidelines about when to use the different work types and tags included as part of the pre-built Labour Market Assistance Industry award packages. For further information about this award, refer to Labour Market Assistance Industry Award.

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year, while all previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
July 2024


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

We have also updated the "Community Service Leave Taken" pay category, where it does not accrue super.

All rule sets has been updated to include a rule for Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave.

The Pay Rate Template for "Seasonal Employees" has been updated to "Sessional Employees". 


This industry award covers employers in the labour market assistance industry throughout Australia and their employees in the classifications listed in Schedule A — Classification Definitions to the exclusion of any other modern award. For further details and any exclusions, please see clause 4 of the award.

Special Notes

The base rate for the following classification levels may not match the rate indicated on the pay guide due to a rounding issue with the system's calculation of casual loading. Please review and make manual adjustments where required.

  • Casual Administrative officer pay point 4
  • Casual Employment services officer grade 2 - pay point 2

Work Types

Work types are a description of the kind of shift you are working on, and you would select them when you record a timesheet. The following is a list of work types employees can select on their timesheet, and the meaning of each item.

Annual Leave Taken

Choose this work type when annual leave is taken.

Ceremonial Leave Taken
Choose this work type when ceremonial leave is taken.
Compassionate Leave Taken
Choose this work type when compassionate leave is taken.
Family and Domestic Violence Leave Taken
Choose this work type when family and domestic violence leave is taken.
Leave Without Pay Taken
Choose this work type when unpaid leave is taken.
Long Service Leave Taken
Choose this work type when long service leave is taken.
Meal Allowance
Choose this work type where an employee is required to work overtime in excess of two hours on any of the days upon which ordinary hours are worked, or five hours or more on a day which is not an ordinary working day.
Paid Community Service Leave Taken
Choose this work type when community services leave is taken.
Personal/Carer's Leave Taken
Choose this work type when personal or carers leave is taken.
Public Holiday not Worked
Choose this work type when an employee is not required to work on a gazetted public holiday but otherwise would have worked on this day.
Recall to Work Overtime
Choose this work type where an employee is recalled to work overtime after leaving the employer’s premises.
Time off in Lieu of Overtime
Choose this work type when the employee elects to accrue time in lieu rather than an overtime payment.
Time in Lieu Taken
Choose this work type when time in lieu is taken.
Unpaid Pandemic Leave Taken
Choose this work type when unpaid pandemic leave is taken.
Vehicle Allowance
Choose this work type where an employer requests an employee to use their own motor vehicle to perform work duties. The kilometres travelled should be entered into the ‘units’ field i.e. one unit is equivalent to 1 (one) kilometre.

Shift Conditions

Shift Conditions are further details you can add to a shift where more than one condition applies to your shift. You can select the shift conditions when you edit a timesheet record, or when clocking on using the ClockMeIn Time and Attendance or WorkZone apps. The following is a list of Shift Conditions employees can select on their timesheet, and the meaning of each item.

Agreed Sunday – Accrue TIL

Select this shift condition if an employee works on a Sunday and elects to take equivalent time off instead of payment of the penalty rate.

Agreed Varied Working Hours
Select this shift condition if a part-time employee’s hours of work may be temporarily varied up to a maximum of 38 hours per week by agreement between the employer and an individual employee.
Excursions Allowance – Overnight Stay
Select this shift condition if an employee is required to supervise clients in excursion activities involving an overnight stay away from home.
First Aid Allowance
Select this shift condition if the employee holds an appropriate first aid qualification and is required to perform first aid duties.


Employee Tags are specific conditions typically related to the employees agreement. These are often conditions negotiated and agreed between the employer and the employee, or unique characteristics of the employees role. Payment of these provisions is usually of a recurring and ongoing nature.

Evening/Late Night/ Weekend Worker – Ordinary Hours

Assign this tag if an employee is rostered to work ordinary hours between 8:00pm and midnight Monday to Friday or midnight and 6:00am Sunday to Friday or on weekends.

First Aid Allowance
Assign this tag if an employee holds an appropriate first aid qualification and is required to perform first aid duties for all shifts worked.
Assign this tag if an employee agrees to accept to work flexible working hours in being allowed to set their own pattern of attendance at work subject to the provisions of this award and the requirements of the workplace.
Mutual Agreement – Sunday Ordinary Hours as TIL
Assign this tag if an employee works on a Sunday and elects to take equivalent time off instead of payment of the penalty rate.
Sessional Preparation
Assign this tag if a sessional employee is to be paid for preparation and associated non-teaching/training tasks.
TIL of Overtime
Assign this tag when an employee elects to receive time off instead of payment for overtime.
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