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Creating survey templates

Available for the following HR classic plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following User Access levels: Admin

Employee surveys are essential tools for assessing engagement and experience within your organisation. The Survey Templates feature allows you to create custom survey templates from scratch for repeated use, or choose from our pre-existing templates. You can edit or delete templates as needed. Note that you must create a survey before you can access the Templates tab; it will not appear if you have not used custom surveys before.

Getting started

Create a survey template


The following features are only available to users on our platinum pricing tier.

  1. Click the   Engagement menu.
  2. Click the Custom Survey submenu.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Click the New Survey Template button.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Enter survey title.
    • Enter a question.
    • Question type.

    Helpful Hint

    Click the   Add Question button to add further questions to your survey. There is no limit to the amount of questions you can add to your custom survey.

  6. Click the Save button.

Daily activities

Use an Employment Hero survey template
  1. Click the   Engagement menu.
  2. Click the Custom Survey submenu.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Select the desired document by clicking the Use Template button.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. Select from the following response types:


    The anonymous response type is only available to users on our platinum pricing tier.

    • Anonymous.
    • Non-anonymous.
  7. Select from the following sharing options:


    The following sharing options are only available to users on our platinum pricing tier.

    • All employees
    • Employees.
    • Teams
    • Locations
  8. Select from the following survey scheduling options:
    • Start date.
    • Start time.
    • End date.
    • End time.
  9. Click the Save a Draft button.


    If you want to send the survey out immediately to the selected users, click the Publish button and will mean the survey becomes available on the selected user's dashboard.

Use a survey template


You can only use the below feature if you are on our platinum pricing tier.

  1. Click the   Engagement menu.
  2. Click the Custom Survey submenu.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Click the Actions   button
  5. Click the   Use Template button
  6. Complete the following fields:
    • Enter survey title.
    • Enter a question.
    • Question type.

    Helpful Hint

    Click the   Add Question button to add further questions to your survey. There is no limit to the amount of questions you can add to your custom survey.

  7. Click the Next button.
  8. Select from the following response types:


    The anonymous response type is only available to users on our platinum pricing tier.

    • Anonymous.
    • Non-anonymous.
  9. Select from the following sharing options:


    The following sharing options are only available to users on our platinum pricing tier.

    • All employees
    • Employees.
    • Teams
    • Locations
  10. Select from the following survey scheduling options:
    • Start date.
    • Start time.
    • End date.
    • End time.
  11. Click the Save a Draft button.


    If you want to send the survey out immediately to the selected users, click the Publish button and will mean the survey becomes available on the selected user's dashboard.

View a survey template


You can only use the below feature if you are on our platinum pricing tier.

  1. Click the   Engagement menu.
  2. Click the Custom Survey submenu.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Click the template that needs viewing

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the survey template on your screen.


Editing data

Edit a survey template


You can only use the below feature if you are on our platinum pricing tier.

  1. Click the   Engagement menu.
  2. Click the Custom Survey submenu.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Click the template that needs editing
  5. Click the Edit Template button
  6. Make the required changes and click the Save Changes button

Removing data

Delete a survey template


You can only use the below feature if you are on our platinum pricing tier.

  1. Click the   Engagement menu.
  2. Click the Custom Survey submenu.
  3. Click the Templates tab.
  4. Click the Action   button
  5. Click the   Delete button
  6. Click the Delete button

Further information

What feature is available on each plan?
Feature. Free Standard. Premium. Platinum.

Create surveys from one of our templates.




Create their own custom surveys.




Share to all employees.



Share to individuals, teams, or locations.        
Schedule start and end date/times.        
Create anonymous surveys.        
Archive a survey.        
Unarchiving a survey.        
Add participants (edit).
  View only    
Update end date (edit).
  View only    
Clone a survey.
Save as a draft.        
Create your own templates.

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