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Aquaculture Industry Award (MA000114)

The article provides guidelines about when to use the different work types and tags included as part of the pre-built Aquaculture Industry Award package. For further information about this industry award, refer to Aquaculture Industry Award 2020.

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year, while all previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
January 2025

We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's Review of C14 and C13 rates in modern awards. You can find more information on the Determination here.
These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st January 2025. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st January 2025.

July 2024


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

We have also updated the "Community Service Leave Taken" pay category, where it does not accrue super. 

All pay condition rule sets have been updated to include a rule for Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave.

Install the pre-built award package

To read details on how to install and configure this Pre-built Award Template, please review the following article. Before relying on the award information, users should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance for their purposes. You should also obtain appropriate professional advice.

Work types

Work types are a description of the kind of shift you are working, and you select them when you record a timesheet. The following is a list of work types employees can select on their timesheet, and the meaning of each item.

A - F
8hr break between shifts (by agreement) Choose this work type when, by agreement between an employer and an employee, the break between shifts is eight hours (rather than the usual minimum of ten hours).
Annual leave taken Choose this work type when annual leave is taken.
Compassionate leave taken Choose this work type when compassionate leave is taken.
Diving allowance – equipment not supplied Choose this work type when a finish attendant is required to undertake diving duties and diving equipment is not supplied by the employer.
Diving allowance – equipment supplied Choose this work type when a finish attendant is required to undertake diving duties and diving equipment is supplied by the employer.
Family and domestic violence leave taken Choose this work type when unpaid family and domestic violence leave is taken.
First aid allowance Choose this work type where an employee, trained and qualified in first aid, is appointed by the employer to perform first aid duty for a shift.
G - L
Long service leave taken Choose this work type when long service leave is taken.
Leave without pay taken Choose this work type when any unpaid leave is taken.
M - R
Meal allowance Choose this work type when an employee has worked overtime and is entitled to a meal allowance.
No meal break Choose this work type when an employee does not have a meal break and therefore the shift does not require an automatic meal break deduction.
Public holiday not worked Choose this work type where an employee is not required to work on a shift falling on a gazetted public holiday that the employee would have otherwise worked had it not been a public holiday.
Paid community services leave taken Choose this work type when community service leave is taken.
Personal/Carer's leave taken Choose this work type when personal and/or carer's leave is taken.
S - Z
Time in lieu taken Choose this work type when time in lieu is taken.
TIL of overtime Choose this work type if the employee elects to accrue time in lieu of being paid overtime for a shift.
Travel time allowance – offshore tuna farm Choose this work type when an employee is working at an offshore tuna farm and entitled to travel time allowance at ordinary rates of pay for time spent travelling. Payment will only be made on trips longer than 30 minutes.
Travel time allowance – work away from the usual workplace TChoose this work type when an employee is working away from the usual workplace and entitled to travel time allowance at ordinary rates of pay for time spent travelling.
Work on unrostered shift Choose this work type when an employee is working on their rostered day off.
Vehicle allowance Choose this work type where an employee uses their own motor vehicle in the course of their duties. The kilometres travelled should be entered into the 'units' field.


Employee Tags are specific conditions typically related to the employee’s agreement. These are often conditions negotiated and agreed between the employer and the employee, or unique characteristics of the employee’s role. Payment of these provisions is usually of a recurring and ongoing nature.

A - F
Continuous shiftworker Assign this tag to an employee whose work is carried on with consecutive shifts throughout the 24 hours of each of at least six consecutive days without interruption except for breakdowns or meal breaks or due to unavoidable causes beyond the control of the employer. This tag would need to be assigned in addition to the Shiftworker tag.
First aid allowance Assign this tag to an employee who has been trained to render first aid, is the holder of appropriate first aid qualifications, and is appointed to perform first aid duty on a regular ongoing basis..
M - R
Non-successive shiftwork Assign this tag if an employee carries out non-successive afternoon or night shift work under clause 21.1 (f) of the award.
S - Z
Shiftworker Choose this tag if the employee is engaged as a shift worker.
TIL of overtime Assign this tag to an employee who permanently elects to accrue time in lieu rather than be paid overtime. If this tag is assigned to an employee, you will not be required to attach the TIL of Overtime work type to the employee's timesheet.
Tool allowance Assign this tag if the employee is required to provide their own tools.
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