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General Retail Industry Award 2020 (MA000004)

The article provides guidelines about when to use the different work types and tags that are included as part of the pre-built Retail award packages. For further information about the general retail industry award, refer to General Retail Industry Award.

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year, while all previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
September 2024


In reference to clause 10.5 of the award, the guaranteed hours mentioned refers to the ordinary hours required to be agreed in writing (which includes through an exchange of emails, text messages or by other electronic means). The clause itself does not state that part-time employees are required to be paid the minimum of these guaranteed hours.

As such, we have removed the "Top Up of Standard Hours - Part Time" rule from the following rule sets to align with clause 10.5.

  • General Retail Permanent Non-Shift Workers
  • General Permanent Shiftworkers
  • Extended Hours Retail Permanent Non-Shift Workers
  • Retail (Newagencies) Permanent Non-Shift Workers
  • Baking Production Permanent Workers

This would mean part time employees should be rostered according to their regular pattern and to their guaranteed hours. However, in instances where employees work shifts less than their guaranteed hours, there would be no rules to automatically ensure employees would receive a minimum payment of hours.

August 2024

We have updated the "19.10 First Aid Allowance" rule across all rule sets to comply with clause 19.10, which stipulates that part-time and casual employees are entitled to a full weekly first aid allowance.

Additionally, we have marked the "First Aid Allowance (PT & CAS)" with an asterisk (*) and disabled it in all pay rate templates.

July 2024


We have updated the following pay rate templates to reflect the minimum rate in the pay guide:

  • Baking Trade Adult Apprentice Thereafter (post 1/1/14)
  • General Retail (extended hours) Trade Adult Apprentice Thereafter (post 1/1/14)
  • General Retail Trade Adult Apprentice Thereafter (post 1/1/14)


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

We have also updated the "Community Service Leave Taken" pay category, where it does not accrue super. 

The Casual pay condition rule sets have been updated to include a rule for Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave.

Installing the pre-built award package

For details on how to install this pre-built award template, please review the detailed help article here. While we make every effort to provide a high-quality service, we do not accept responsibility for, guarantee, or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or up-to-date nature of the service. Before using it, users should evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance for their purposes.

Special Notes

Categories (work types, tags, pay categories) that have been marked with an (*asterisk) are no longer used in rules. It remains visible in the platform for auditing/reporting purposes.

Work types

The following lists out and explains the work types an employee can select on their timesheet.

A - F
10hr break between shifts. Choose this work type when, by agreement between an employer and an employee, the break between shifts is between 10 and 12 hours (rather than the usual minimum of 12 hours).
11hr shift (approved by employee). Once per week, an employee may agree to be rostered to work for 11 hours as part of their ordinary hours. This work type should be selected on that day.
Annual leave taken. Choose this work type when annual leave is taken.
Carer's leave. Choose this work type when carer’s leave is taken.
Casual 1.5 minimum engagement. Choose this for casual employees that can be engaged for a minimum of 1.5 hours rather than a minimum engagement of 3 hours based on the criteria.
Cold work (above 0 degrees). Employees principally employed on a particular shift to enter cold chambers and/or to stock and refill refrigerated storages should choose this work type.
Cold work (below 0 degrees). Choose this work type if the employee is required to work in a cold chamber where the temperature is below 0 degrees.
Compassionate leave. Choose this work type when compassionate leave is taken.
First aid officer. Choose this work type if the employee with appropriate first aid qualification was appointed to perform first aid duty for the shift.
G - L
Kilometre allowance. Where an employer requests an employee to use their own motor vehicle in the performance of their duties, this work type should be used. The kilometres travelled should be entered into the ‘units’ field.
M - R
No meal break. Normally, meal breaks are automatically added for shifts over 5h30m. Use this work type to indicate that no meal break was taken during the shift.
No minimum engagement. Choose this work type when the minimum engagement of 3 hours doesn't apply to either Part-Time or Casual employees.
OT meal allowance. An employee that was required to work more than one hour of overtime with less than 24 hours’ notice and not provided with a meal should add one unit of this allowance to their shift.
OT meal allowance (>4 OT hours worked). An employee that was required to work more than four hours of overtime with less than 24 hours’ notice and not provided with a meal should add 1 unit of this allowance to their shift. It is in addition to adding one unit of OT meal allowance.
Public holiday not worked. Choose this work type where employees are not required to work on a gazetted public holiday.
Recalled to Work Use this work type when employees are recalled to work by the employer to perform specific duties on a day, and entitled to minimum of 3 hours pay.
S - Z
Sick leave. Choose this work type when sick leave is taken.
Time in lieu taken. Choose this work type when time in lieu is taken.
Time off in lieu of overtime. Choose this work type if the employee elects to accrue time in lieu rather than be paid for any overtime for this shift.
Travelling time. When an employee is required to work at a place away from their usual place of employment, this work type should be selected to enter the time spent travelling.
Unpaid leave. Choose this work type when unpaid leave is taken.


The following tags are available to employees under the award.

A - F
7 day shift worker. Assign this tag if you employed the employee as a shift worker who you regularly rostered to work on Sundays and public holidays. As per national employment standards, a 7-day shiftworker has an entitlement to an extra one week of annual leave per year.
First aid officer. Assign this tag if the employee has an appropriate first aid qualification and you make them to the ongoing first aid officer during every shift, you roster them to work.
L - Z
Laundry Allowance. Assign this tag to an employee responsible for laundering any special clothing that is required to be worn by them.
Time in lieu of overtime. Assign this tag if the employee elects to always accrue time in lieu rather than paid overtime.

Further information

Time in Lieu Explanation

Time off instead of payment for overtime leave accrues at the same rate as the number of overtime hours worked. For example, an employee who worked two overtime hours has an entitlement to two hours’ time off. If you do take time off for overtime and the time off you intend, pay it out, you must pay at the overtime rate applicable to the overtime when worked

It also applies when you terminate an employee and you have to pay out the time. To pay it out correctly, you will need to record the overtime rate manually while you are processing the time in lieu accrual. We suggest that you record the overtime details in the Notes section of the leave accrual line in the pay run.

If you are required to pay out the time off for overtime either before termination or during termination, you can run a Pay Run Audit Report. It will show the pay runs for the employee where they accrued Time in Lieu, enabling yout to determine the applicable rates. Next, you can run an Employee Payment History Report to determine if they took any of the time off for overtime. You can then determine the correct balance based on the number of hours by taking the equivalent to the overtime payment that you made.

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