How do I post a standout job advert to Seek?
You can post a standout job to Seek via the Role Posting feature within the Hiring module. A prerequisite you will need to complete first is setting up your Seek integration.
Post a standout job to Seek
- Click the Recruitment menu.
- Click the Hiring tab
- Click the button.
- Click the Edit Job Details button.
- Click the Adverts tab.
- Click the Post to Job Boards button.
- Click the Got It button.
- Select the Seek option and click the Continue button.
- Enter your mobile number and click the Send Verification Code button.
- Enter your code and click the Complete button.
- Complete the following fields to make the Standout option appear:
- Duration.
- Category.
- Location.
- Select the StandOut tile from the Advertisement Type list.
- Complete the required fields and click the Publish button.
- Click the Got It button.
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