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How do I post a standout job advert to Seek | Hiring Essentials


How do I post a standout job advert to Seek?


You can post a standout job to Seek via the Role Posting feature within the Hiring module. A prerequisite you will need to complete first is setting up your Seek integration.

Post a standout job to Seek
  1. Click the  Recruitment menu.
  2. Click the Hiring tab
  3. Click the   button.
  4. Click the Edit Job Details button.
  5. Click the Adverts tab.
  6. Click the Post to Job Boards button.
  7. Click the Got It button.
  8. Select the Seek option and click the Continue button.
  9. Enter your mobile number and click the Send Verification Code button.
  10. Enter your code and click the Complete button.
  11. Complete the following fields to make the Standout option appear:
    • Duration.
    • Category.
    • Location.
  12. Select the StandOut tile from the Advertisement Type list.
    A recruitment advertisement selection with three tiles. StandOut is highlighted with a red box
  13. Complete the required fields and click the Publish button. 
  14. Click the Got It button.
    Seek 1.jpg

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