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Manage my organisation's job board integrations using Hiring Essentials

A recruitment module helps companies organise candidates for hiring and recruitment purposes. These systems allow businesses to collect information, organise prospects based on experience and skill set, and filter applicants. There are many benefits of using such a module, and you can expect to see metrics like time, cost, and candidate quality improve.

The Manage Job Boards feature within the Hiring module for the Hiring essentials platform allows you to connect to a Job Board platform, where you can then post the job openings you have created within the platform. You can also use this feature to edit your connection information and disconnect from a Job Board platform.


When connecting to Seek, please contact your dedicated Seek Account Manager or Seek customer service team to authorise Employment Hero to post to your account. Connection to JobsDB and JobStreet is now only available via SEEK.

Getting started

Connect to a job board
  1. Click the  Recruitment menu.
  2. Click the Job Boards tab.
  3. Click the Connect button.
  4. Enter the required connection details.

Daily activities

Ask for a Job Board
  1. Click the  Recruitment menu.
  2. Click the Jobs Boards tab.
  3. Click the   Request Job Boards Button 
  4. Fill in the information for your desired board and then click the Save button..

Editing data

Edit a job board connection
  1. Click the  Recruitment menu.
  2. Click the Jobs Boards tab.
  3. Click the  button.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Make the required changes and click the Save button.

Removing data

Disconnect from a job board
  1. Click the  Recruitment menu.
  2. Click the Jobs Boards tab.
  3. Click the  button.
  4. Click the Disconnect button. 
  5. Click the Delete button.

Author recommended

So you have now set up your job board integrations and you are now wondering what next can I do. There are two recommendations I would make on this front and they are:

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