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Joinery and Building Trades Award 2020 (MA000029)

The article provides guidelines about when to use the different work types and tags included as part of the pre-built Joinery and Building Trades Award 2020 (MA000029). For further information about the Joinery and Building Trades Award 2020 (MA000029) refer to: Joinery and Building Trades Award 2020 (MA000029). 

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year. All previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
July 2024


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

We have also updated the "Community Service Leave Taken" pay category, where it does not accrue super. 

The Casual shiftwork pay condition rule set has been updated to include a rule for Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave.

Installing the pre-built award package

To read details on how to install and configure this Pre-built Award Template, please review the following article. Before relying on the award information, users should carefully evaluate its accuracy, currency, completeness, and relevance for their purposes. You should also obtain appropriate professional advice.

Special notes

  • Schedule A—Classifications Definitions
    The platform does not automatically progress employees to Level 2 after employee has completed the required training or will have up to 3 months' work experience at Level 1. You will need to manually update each employee's profile.

Work types

The below lists and explains the work types an employee can select on their timesheet.

A - F
Annual leave
Choose this work type when annual leave is taken as per clause 32 of the award.
Asbestos allowance You should use this work type if you require an employee to use materials containing asbestos or is working near an employee using such materials. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (a) of the award.
Bagging allowance You should use this work type where you engage an employee in bagging brick or concrete structures. You will pay an employee an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (b) of the award.
Cold work allowance You should use this work type where you require an employee to work for more than one hour in a place where you reduce the temperature by artificial means below zero degrees celsius. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (c) of the award.
Community service leave Choose this work type when community service leave is taken as per clause 34 of the award.
Computing quantities allowance You should use this work type where you require an employee to regularly compute or estimate quantities of materials for the work performed by other employees. You will pay the employee a daily allowance under clause 24.3 (d) of the award.
Confined space allowance You should use this work type where you require an employee to work in a confined space. You will pay an employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (e) of the award.
Dirty work allowance You should use this work type where you require an employee to work in unusually dirty work. You will pay an employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (f) of the award.
Explosive powered tools allowance You should use this work type for each day where you require an employee to operate explosive powered tools. The employee will then be paid a daily allowance under clause 24.3 (g) of the award.
First aid You should use this work type where you appoint an employee, trained and qualified in first aid to perform first aid duty. You will pay the employee a weekly allowance under clause 24.2 (a) of the award.
G - L
Grindstone allowance Where an employee engaged as a carpenter and/or joiner has not been made available a grindstone or wheel by the employer,  this work type should be used. The employee will then be paid a weekly allowance under clause 24.3 (g) of the award.
Heavy blocks allowance A You should use this work type where an employee is handling, lifting, and placing heavy blocks that weigh over 5.5 kg and under 9 kg. You will pay an employee paid an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (i) of the award.
Heavy blocks allowance B You should use this work type where an employee is handling, lifting, and placing heavy blocks that weigh between 9 kg and up to 18 kg. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (i) of the award.
Heavy blocks allowance C You would use this work type where an employee is handling, lifting, and placing heavy blocks that weigh over 18 kg. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (i) of the award.
Hot bitumen allowance You would use this work type where an employee handles hot bitumen or asphalt or dipping materials in creosote. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (j) of the award.
Hot places allowance (46 to 54 degrees celsius) You should use this work type where you require an employee to work for more than one hour in the shade in places where the temperature is raised by artificial means to between 46 and 54 degrees celsius. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (k) of the award.
Hot places allowance (Over 54 degrees celsius) You should use this work type where you require an employee to work for more than one hour in the shade in places where the temperature is raised by artificial means to over 54 degrees celsius. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (k) of the award.
Insulation allowance You would use this work type where you require an employee to handle charcoal, pumice, granulated cork, silicate of cotton, insulwool, slag wool, or any other recognised insulating material of a similar nature. Or you require them to work in the immediate vicinity so as to have an affect from using such substance. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked under clause 24.3 (l) of the award.
L - R
LAFHA - meal allowance You would you use this work type where you direct an employee to proceed to a distant job. The employee should receive a meal allowance for any meals incurred whilst travelling on either the forward or return journey. Select this work type to compensate so you pay the employee an allowance under (a) (iii24.5 (a) (iii) of the award.
LAFHA - weekend return You would you use this work type where you direct an employee to proceed to a distant job, ‌and the employee returns to their usual residence on the weekend. You will pay the employee the appropriate allowance under clause 24.5 (a) (xii) of the award.
LAFHA - distant job return journey You would you use this work type where you direct an employee to proceed to a distant job, ‌and the employee returns to their residence from the main public transport terminal. You will pay the employee an allowance to cover expenses under clause 24.5 (a) (iii) of the award.
Long service leave For permanent employees only. Use this work type for a day, or part of a day, where you were not working due to being on a public holiday.
Living away from home allowance You would you use this work type where you direct an employee to proceed to a distant job and reasonable board and lodging were not provided, as well as three adequate meals by the employer. You will pay the employee an allowance to cover expenses under clause 24.5 (a) (ii) of the award.
Money collection - glass and glazing work You would you use this work type where an employee, engages in glass and glazing work, is authorised, and collects monies for the employer as part of their duties. You will pay the employee a weekly allowance under clause 24.3 (u) of the award.
No meal break Half hour unpaid meal breaks are automatically added for shifts over six hours. Use this work type to indicate that no meal break was taken during the shift so that a meal break is not deducted from hours worked. You will pay the employee ‌double time if they take no meal break.
Personal/carer's leave Choose this work type when personal or carer's leave is taken as per clause 33 of the award.
Public holiday not worked Choose this work type where you do not require an employee to work on a shift falling on a gazetted public holiday that the employee would have otherwise worked on, had it not been a public holiday.
Roof repairs allowance You should use the work type where an employee is engaged to repair roofs. You will pay an employee an allowance per hour worked repairing roofs under clause 24.3 (o) of the award.
Rostered day off taken Choose this work type when an employee, who has an RDO entitlement, takes a rostered day off under clause 28.2 of the award.
Rostered day off worked Choose this work type when an employee, who has an RDO entitlement, works on their rostered day off. You will pay the employee under clause 28.2 (g) of the award.
S - Z
Scaffolding allowance You should use this work type where you require a trades-qualified employee, holding a scaffolding or rigging certificate, to act on that certificate during the course of their duties. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked undertaking such duties under clause 24.3 (p) of the award.
Secondhand timber allowance You would use this work type where an employee's tools, experience damage by nails, dumps, or other foreign matter on second hand timber, for each day such instance occurs. You will pay the employee a daily allowance under clause 24.3 (q) of the award.
Spray application allowance You would use this work type where you engage an employee in all spray applications carried out in other than a properly constructed booth approved by the relevant authority. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked undertaking such work under clause 24.3 (r) of the award.
Stonemasonry tools and equipment allowance You would use this ‌work type where you require an employee to use their own stonemasonry cutting tools. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked using such tools under clause 24.1 (d) of the award.
Swing scaffold allowance You would use this work type where you employed an employee on any type of swing scaffold or any scaffold suspended by rope, cable, and bosun's chair. Or on a suspended scaffold requiring using steel or iron hooks or angle irons at a height of six metres or more. You will pay an employee an allowance per hour worked on such scaffold under clause 24.3 (s) of the award.
Tower allowance - up to 30 metres You would use this work type where you require employee to work on a chimney stack, spire radio, radio, or television mast or tower, air shaft (other than above ground in a multistorey building), cooling tower, water tower, or silo, where the construction exceeds 15 metres and up to 30 metres in height. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (n) of the award.
Tower allowance - up to 45 metres You would use this work type where your require an employee to work on a chimney stack, spire radio, radio, television mast, or tower, air shaft (other than above ground in a multistorey building), cooling tower, water tower, or silo where the construction exceeds 30 metres and up to 45 metres in height. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (n) of the award.
Tower allowance - up to 60 metres You would use this work type where you require employee to work on a chimney stack, spire radio, radio or television mast, or tower, air shaft (other than above ground in a multistorey building), cooling tower, water tower, or silo, where the construction exceeds 45 metres and up to 60 metres in height. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (n) of the award.
Tower allowance - up to 75 metres You would use this work type where you require an employee to work on a chimney stack, spire radio, radio or television mast, or tower, air shaft (other than above ground in a multistorey building), cooling tower, water tower, or silo, where the construction exceeds 60 metres and up to 75 metres in height. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (n) of the award.
Toxic substances - close proximity You would use this work type where an employee works near an employee engaged in using toxic substances or materials of a similar nature. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (t) (i) of the award.
Using toxic substances You would use this work type where you expect an employee to use toxic substances or materials of a similar nature. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (t) (i) of the award.
Vehicle allowance You would use this work type where you engage an employee, in glass or glazing work and require, and authorise them to use their own motor vehicle during their duties. You should enter the kilometres travelled ‌into the Units field.
Wet work allowance (non-stonemasonry work) You should use this work type where you require an employee to work in any place where water continually drips on the employee so that clothing and boots become wet or where there is water underfoot. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (m) (i) of the award.
Wet work allowance (stonemasonry work) You would use this work type where you engage an employee in stonemasonry work in a cemetery under unusually muddy or sloppy conditions. You will pay the employee an allowance per hour worked in such conditions under clause 24.3 (m) (ii) of the award.


Employee tags are specific conditions typically related to the employee’s agreement. These are often conditions negotiated and agreed between the employer and the employee, or unique characteristics of the employee’s role. Payment of these provisions is usually of a recurring and ongoing nature.

A - F
Asbestos allowance Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly engaged in using materials containing asbestos or is working near an employee using such materials. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Bagging allowance Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly working near an employee engaged in bagging brick or concrete structures. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Close proximity to toxic substances Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly working near an employee engaged in using toxic substances or materials of a similar nature. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Cold work allowance Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly working for more than one hour in a place where you reduce the temperature by artificial means below zero degrees celsius. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Confined spaces Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly working in a confined space. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Dirty work allowance Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly working in unusually dirty work. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
First aider Assign this tag to an employee who has been trained to render first aid and who is the current holder of appropriate first aid qualifications, and you appointed in writing to perform first aid duty on a regular ongoing basis. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
G - L
Glaziers (other than on-factory glazing) Assign this tag if the employee works as a glazier or an apprentice glazier, engaged other than on factory glazing, and receives industry allowance as per clause 21.3(b)(ii).
Heavy blocks A Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly engaged in handling, lifting and placing heavy blocks that weigh over 5.5kg and under 9kg. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Heavy blocks B Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly engaged in handling, lifting and placing heavy blocks that weigh between 9kg and up to 18 kg. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Heavy blocks C Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly engaged in handling, lifting and placing heavy blocks that weigh over 18 kg. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Hot bitumen allowance Assign this tag to an employee if they you regularly engage them in handling hot bitumen or asphalt or dipping materials in creosote. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Hot places A Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly engaged to work for more than one hour in the shade in places where the temperature is raised by artificial means to between 46 and 54 degrees celsius. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Hot places B Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly engaged to work for more than one hour in the shade in places where the temperature is raised by artificial means to over 54 degrees celsius. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Insulation allowance Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly engaged to handle charcoal, pumice, granulated cork, silicate of cotton, insulwool, slag wool, or any other recognised insulating material of a like nature, or is required to work in the immediate vicinity so as to be affected by such substance. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Joinery/shopfitting/stonemasonry or outside work Assign this tag if an employee engaged in joinery work, shop fitting, stonemasonry, or outside work has an industry allowance as per clause 21.3(b) (i).
L - R
Leading hand allowance - in charge of one employee Assign this tag if an employee is in charge of one employee payment in addition to the minimum wage for the highest classification supervised, or the employee's own minimum wage, whichever is higher as per clause 21.3(a).
Leading hand allowance - in charge of 6-10 employees Assign this tag if an employee is in charge of 6-10 employees payment in addition to the minimum wage for the highest classification supervised, or the employee's own minimum wage, whichever is higher, as per clause 21.3(a)
Leading hand allowance - in charge of 11 or more employees Assign this tag if an employee is in charge of 11 or more employees payment in addition to the minimum wage for the highest classification supervised, or the employee's own minimum wage, whichever is higher, as per clause 21.3(a)
Leading hand allowance - in charge of 1 person Assign this tag if an employee is in charge of one employee payment in addition to the minimum wage for the highest classification supervised, or employee's own minimum wage, whichever is higher as per clause 21.3(a).
RDO entitlement Assign this tag to an employee whose ordinary hours will be eight per day with 0.4 hours each day, accruing as a paid rostered day off under clause 28.2 (a) of the award.
Roof repairs Assign this tag to an employee if you regularly engage them to repair roofs. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
S - Z
Spray applicator Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly engaged in all spray applications carried out in other than a properly constructed booth approved by the relevant authority. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Stonemason shiftworker Assign this tag to an employee who undertakes stonemasonry duties on a shiftwork basis under clause 28.3 (c) of the award.
Stonemason tools and equipment allowance Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly required to use their own stonemasonry cutting tools. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Swing scaffolder Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly employed on any type of swing scaffold or any scaffold suspended by rope, cable, bosun's chair, or on a suspended scaffold requiring the use of steel or iron hooks or angle irons at a height of six metres or more. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Tool allowance - assembler A Assign this tag if an employee must be paid a tool allowance for supplying and maintaining tools - Assembler A, as per clause 21.4(a)(i).
Tool allowance - glassworker Assign this tag if an employee must be paid a tool allowance for supplying and maintaining tools - Glass worker as per clause 21.4(a)(i)
Tool allowance - glazier Assign this tag if an employee must be paid a tool allowance for supplying and maintaining tools - Glazier, as per clause 21.4(a)(i).
Tool allowance - painter Assign this tag if an employee must be paid a tool allowance for supplying and maintaining tools - Painter as per clause 21.4(a)(i).
Tool allowance - plasterer Assign this tag if an employee must be paid a tool allowance for supplying and maintaining tools - Plasterer, as per clause 21.4(a) (i).
Tower allowance - 30 metres Assign this tag to an employee if they you regularly require them to work on a chimney stack, spire radio, radio, or television mast or tower, air shaft (other than above ground in a multistorey building), cooling tower, water tower, or silo, where the construction exceeds 15 metres and up to 30 metres in height. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Tower allowance - up to 45 metres Assign this tag to an employee if you regularly require them to work on a chimney stack, spire radio, radio, or television mast or tower, air shaft (other than above ground in a multistorey building), cooling tower, water tower, or silo, where the construction exceeds 30 metres and up to 45 metres in height. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Tower allowance - up to 60 metres Assign this tag to an employee if they are regularly required to work on a chimney stack, spire radio, radio, or television mast or tower, air shaft (other than above ground in a multistorey building), cooling tower, water tower or silo, where the construction exceeds 45 metres and up to 60 metres in height. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Tower allowance - up to 75 metres Assign this tag to an employee if you regularly require them to work on a chimney stack, spire radio, radio or television mast, or tower, air shaft (other than above ground in a multistorey building), cooling tower, water tower, or silo where the construction exceeds 60 metres and up to 75 metres in height. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Tradesperson scaffolder Assign this tag to a trades-qualified employee, holding a scaffolding or rigging certificate, who is regularly required to act on that certificate during the course of their duties. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Using toxic substances Assign this tag to an employee regularly engaged in using toxic substances or materials of a similar nature. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Wet work allowance - non-stonemasonry work Assign this tag to an employee regularly required to work in any place where water is continually dripping on the employee so that clothing and boots become wet or where there is water underfoot. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
Wet work allowance - stonemasonry work Assign this tag to an employee engaged in stonemasonry work in a cemetery who is regularly required to work under unusually muddy or sloppy conditions. You will then not be required to use the associated work type.
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