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Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020 (MA000009)

This article provides guidelines about when to use the different work types and tags that are included as part of the pre-built Hospitality Industry award package. For further information about the hospitality industry award, refer Hospitality Industry (General) Award.

Key updates

  Select the current financial year tab to see award updates for the 2024/25 financial year, while all previous updates before this time you can find in the historical financial years tab.

Current financial year Historical financial years
February 2025


We have updated the Laundry Allowance rules for both Permanent Hospitality and Casual Hospitality rule sets per Clause 26.6. This clause specifies that Catering employees (part-time and casual) and Motel employees must receive a laundry allowance for each uniform laundered. As a result, we have deleted the Laundry Allowance tag rules.

Additionally, the following rules have been updated to apply the correct allowance:

Permanent Hospitality rule set: 26.6 PT Laundry Allowance - Catering Employees (wt)
Casual Hospitality rule set: 26.6 Laundry Allowance - Catering Employees (work type)

August 2024


We have updated “31.4 No Break Taken” rule to using the condition “time worked without a break” to ensure that breaks are identified correctly. We also added “No meal break” work type as a condition to trigger “31.4 No Break Taken” rule and reordered the “31.4 No Break Taken” rule to apply only on ordinary hours work and not overtime per clause 16.5.

We have also made the following updates: 
Casual Hospitality ruleset

  • Updated "Auto meal break" rule to trigger break if time worked without a break is greater than 6 hours and excluded leave work types for break not to apply if leave is taken in a shift
  • Updated "13.3 Minimum Engagement" rule to align with clause 11.3 where casual will be paid for at least 2 consecutive hours of work on each occasion.
  • Updated “31.4 No Break Taken” rule to exclude leave work types so "no meal break" rule will not apply if leave is taken in a shift

Permanent Hospitality ruleset

  • Updated "Auto meal break" rule to trigger auto meal break if time worked without a break is greater than 6 hours in a shift
  • Updated "29.2(a) Minimum Engagement - Part Time" rule to align with clause 15.2 where part time will be paid minimum of 3 hours on any day.


Per clause 35.3: additional public holiday arrangements for full-time employees, Fair Work has clarified that the "extra day's pay" is not subject to penalty rates and leave entitlements, and should be excluded from calculating period overtime. The relevant rules under the Permanent Hospitality rule set have been updated to reflect this change. We've also updated the interpretation for the accrual of an "additional day's annual leave" to avoid double accrual and on top of penalty rates.

July 2024


We have updated Permanent Hospitality and Casual Hospitality rulesets according to clause 16.6, where if no meal break is taken after 6 hours, an additional 50% of ordinary hourly rate is paid from the end of 6 hours after starting work until either the employee is allowed to take the break or the shift ends.


We have updated the award to reflect the Fair Work Commission's National Minimum Wage increase detailed in the Annual Wage Review 2023-24 decision and also includes updates to expense-related allowances. You can find more information on the Determinations here and here.

These changes come into effect from the first full pay period on or after the 1st July 2024. Please install these updates after you have finalised your last pay run before the first full pay period beginning on or after the 1st July 2024.

We have also updated the "Community Service Leave Taken" pay category, where it does not accrue super. 

The Permanent Hospitality and Casual Hospitality rule set has been updated to include a rule for Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave.

As per clause 26.4, meal allowance is payable only to full-time or part-time employee, hence the work type has been updated so that it is not automatically available to casual employees. 

The rules for the following allowances have been updated where all purpose allowance does not cap at a maximum amount paid per week: 

  • Airport Catering Supervisor (up to 5 employees)
  • Airport Catering Supervisor (6 to 10 employees)
  • Airport Catering Supervisor (11 to 20 employees)
  • Airport Catering Supervisor (more than 20 employees)
  • Fork-Lift Driver Allowance (all-purpose)

Installing the pre-built award package

For details on how to install and configure this pre-built award template, please review the detailed help article here.

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Special Notes

The base rate for the following classification levels may not match the rate indicated on the pay guide due to a rounding issue with the system's calculation of casual loading. Please review and make manual adjustments where required.

  • Hospo Casual (Casino) L6 20 yrs & over

Work types

The below lists and explains the work types an employee can select on their timesheet.

A - F
8 hr break between shifts. Choose this work type in the case where there is a changeover of rosters and there was only 8 hours break between shifts. 
Accrued Day Off Taken. Choose this work type when an accrued day off was taken.
Annual Leave. Choose this work type when annual leave was taken.
Carer’s Leave. Choose this work type when carer’s leave was taken.
Compassionate Leave. Choose this work type when compassionate leave was taken.
COVID-19 Not Worked. Use this work type when an employee's ordinary hours have been reduced during the coronavirus outbreak and they are not working.
First Aid Officer. Choose this work type if the employee is the holder of a current recognised first aid qualification and is appointed by the employer to perform first aid duty.
G - L
Long Service Leave. Choose this work type when long service leave was taken.
M - R
Overnight Stay. When requested to stay on the employer’s premises for the purpose of providing prompt assistance to guests outside of ordinary business operating hours, choose this work type and enter a unit amount of 1.
Overtime Meal Allowance. When required to work overtime for more than 2 hours without being notified on the previous day or earlier, choose this work type and enter a unit amount of 1.
Public holiday not worked. Choose this work type where employees are not required to work on a gazetted public holiday.
Rostered Day Off Worked. Choose this work type when an employee is required to work on their rostered day off. 
S - Z
Sick leave. Choose this work type when sick leave was taken.
Tool allowance. Where required to use their own tools, a cook should choose this work type and enter a unit amount of 1.
Uniform Allowance. Employees in the catering and motel industry should use this work type to enter the number of uniforms required to be laundered. N.B. full time catering employees are not required to use this work type.
Unpaid Leave. Choose this work type when unpaid leave was taken.
Vehicle Allowance. Managerial staff who are required to use their own vehicle should choose this work type and enter the kilometres travelled in the 'units' field.
Work during overnight stay. Choose this work type when required to perform work in excess of 1 hour during an overnight stay period. 

Shift conditions

M - R
RDO/ADO Taken on a Public Holiday (accrue AL). Select this shift condition when an employee is taking a Rostered Day Off or an Accrued Day Off which falls on a Public Holiday and is to accrue an additional day of annual leave.
RDO/ADO Taken on a Public Holiday (extra day). Select this shift condition when an employee is taking a Rostered Day Off or an Accrued Day Off which falls on a Public Holiday and is to be paid an extra day's pay.
S - Z
Tool Allowance. Cooks required to use their own tools should add this shift condition against their timesheet to automate the payment of the tool allowance


The following tags are available for application to employees under the Hospitality Industry (General) Award.

A - F
4/8 - 1/6. Assign this tag to a full time employee whose 38 hour week are based on 4 days at 8 hours and 1 day at 6 hours rather than the default overtime arrangements which are based on hours over 11.5 in a day and hours over 152 in a 4 week period.
4/9.5. Assign this tag to a full time employee whose 38 hour week are based on 4 days at 9.5 hours rather than the default overtime arrangements which are based on hours over 11.5 in a day and hours over 152 in a 4 week period.
5/7.6. Assign this tag to a full time employee whose 38 hour week are based on 5 days at 7.6 hours rather than the default overtime arrangements which are based on hours over 11.5 in a day and hours over 152 in a 4 week period.
7 day shiftworker. Assign this tag if the employee is employed as a shift worker who is regularly rostered to work on Sundays and public holidays. As per the national employment standards, a 7 day shiftworker is entitled to an extra 1 week of annual leave per year. 
Accrue AL on PH worked. Assign this tag to any permanent employees who agree to work on a public holiday and be paid an additional 25% penalty as opposed to a 225% penalty. Additionally, these employees will accrue the equivalent time worked on the public holiday as annual leave. 
Accrued Day Off. Assign this tag if the FT employee and employer have agreed to a 160 hours each four week period with a minimum of eight days off each four week period plus an accrued day off.
Airport Catering Supervisor (up to 5 employees). Assign this tag to an airport catering employee required to supervise up to 5 employees. 
Airport Catering Supervisor (6-10 employees). Assign this tag to an airport catering employee required to supervise up to 10 employees. 
Airport Catering Supervisor (11-20 employees). Assign this tag to an airport catering employee required to supervise up to 20 employees. 
Airport Catering Supervisor (20+ employees). Assign this tag to an airport catering employee required to supervise more than 20 employees. 
Catering Laundry Allowance. Apply this tag to a catering employee to activate the laundry allowance. A full time employee will automatically receive the laundry allowance each week. Part time and casual employees will be required to use the work type Uniform Allowance to enter the units required to be paid based on the number of uniforms required to be laundered.
First Aid Officer. Assign this tag if the employee has an appropriate first aid qualification and will be the designated ongoing first aid officer during every shift they are rostered to work.
Food and Beverage Attendant Grade 2. Assign this tag if the employee has the Food and Beverage Attendant grade 2 classification. Such employees are exempt from being paid higher duties in accordance with section 25.1 of the Hospitality Industry Award.
Food and Beverage Attendant Grade 3. Assign this tag if the employee has the Food and Beverage Attendant grade 3 classification. Such employees are exempt from being paid higher duties in accordance with section 25.1 of the Hospitality Industry Award.
Fork-lift Driver. Assign this tag if the PT or casual employee was employed immediately prior to 23 January 2020 and elected the all-purpose hourly amount or not employed immediately prior to 23 January or any FT employee. 
Fork-lift Driver (NOT all-purpose). Assign this tag if the PT or casual employee is to receive a Fork-lift driver allowance and was employed immediately prior to 23 January 2020 and has not elected the all-purpose hourly amount.
M - R
Motel Laundry Allowance. Apply this tag to a motel employee to activate the laundry allowance. Employees will be required to use the work type Uniform Allowance to enter the units required to be paid based on the number of uniforms required to be laundered.
RDOs - days off. Assign this tag if the full-time employee has days off as RDOs. This tag will ensure that the employee when submitting a time sheet for a Public Holiday, will not be paid any ordinary earnings. 
S - Z
Tool Allowance. Apply this tag to a cook or apprentice required to use their own tools.
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