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Manage SmartMatch candidates interested in my organisation

Available for the following HR plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Admin   

A recruitment module helps companies organise candidates for hiring and recruitment purposes. The SmartMatch feature in our Recruitment module will show you potential candidates who match your roles. The feature now also lets you see candidates who have expressed interest in working for your company. For People Managers and Hiring Managers, please refer to this article to learn more about your user access: SmartMatch questions answered.


SmartMatch is currently available with ‌your paid HR classic subscription on a pre-release trial. We do not currently charge you to see candidate recommendations or hire any of the recommended candidates. We are working hard to improve the effectiveness of SmartMatch with the aim of making it the best way to find talent. Further details regarding the full release of SmartMatch will be announced soon.

Getting started

Save an interested SmartMatch candidate
  1. Click the SmartMatch button.
    screenshot of the home page, highlighting the smartmatch button
  2. Click the Interested Candidates tab.
  3. Click the name of the candidate you want to save.
    screenshot of the interested smartmatch candidates tab, highlighting the name of a candidate
  4. Click the  button.
  5. Click Save candidate.
    screenshot of the interested candidate panel, highlighting the 3 dots and save candidate buttons

Daily activities

View the SmartMatch candidates interested in your organisation
  1. Click the SmartMatch button.
    screenshot of the home page, highlighting the smartmatch button
  2. Click the Interested Candidates tab.

    Helpful Hint

    You can now see a list of the candidates who have expressed interest in working for your company.

    screenshot of the interested smartmatch candidates tab
View an interested SmartMatch candidate's profile
  1. Click the SmartMatch button.
    screenshot of the home page, highlighting the smartmatch button
  2. Click the Interested Candidates tab.
  3. Click the name of the candidate whose profile you want to view.
    screenshot of the interested smartmatch candidates tab, highlighting the name of a candidate

    Helpful Hint

    You can now see the SmartMatch candidate's profile.

    screenshot showing the profile of the interested smartmatch candidate
Email an interested SmartMatch candidate
  1. Click the SmartMatch button.
    screenshot of the home page, highlighting the smartmatch button
  2. Click the Interested Candidates tab.
  3. Click the name of the candidate you want to email.
    screenshot of the interested smartmatch candidates tab, highlighting the name of a candidate
  4. Click the Connect with candidate button.
    screenshot of the interested candidate's profile, highlighting the connect with candidate button
  5. Read and edit the message.

    Helpful Hint

    We have prepared a template for you, but you can edit the message so it suits your organisation best.

  6. Click the Send email button.
    screenshot of the message panel, highlighting the send email button
Call an interested SmartMatch candidate
  1. Click the SmartMatch button.
    screenshot of the dashboard, highlighting the smartmatch button
  2. Click the Saved Candidates tab.
  3. Click the profile of the candidate you want to call.
  4. Click the eye icon on the candidate's profile screen.
    screenshot of the smartmatch candidate profile, with the eye icon highlighted
  5. This will display the candidate's phone number.


    When you view a candidate's phone number, they will receive an automatic SMS from Employment Hero. This message will tell them a bit about your company and the open role. It will tell them that an employer has requested to view their phone number and that they might receive a call about the job application.

Removing data

Mark a candidate as not suitable for a role
  1. Click the SmartMatch button.
    screenshot of the home page, highlighting the smartmatch button
  2. Click the Interested Candidates tab.
  3. Click the name of the candidate you want to mark as not suitable.
    screenshot of the interested smartmatch candidates tab, highlighting the name of a candidate
  4. Click the Not suitable button.


    Once you click Not suitable, the SmartMatch candidate will be removed from your talent recommendations.

    screenshot of the interested candidate's profile, highlighting the not suitable button

Further information

What does "EOI Date" mean?

EOI means "Expression of Interest." So, the EOI Date refers to when the SmartMatch candidate expressed their interest in working for your organisation.

Where else on the platform can I use SmartMatch?

We have SmartMatch enabled ‌by default in the Recruitment module for admins and owners, and hiring managers with access. In addition, SmartMatch can be used in the employee file and active job listings in the Recruitment module. You can refer to the following articles to see how to use SmartMatch on other areas on the platform:

Will SmartMatch recommend my employees to other employers?

No. Your employees only see jobs available within your organisation through the Employment Hero Jobs app. We exclude recommending all active employees on the Employment Hero platform to any organisation.

We rely on ‌account emails to track users that should not be recommended for external roles. We also encourage you to make sure employees have their personal email addresses on the employee file, so those can be excluded from SmartMatch results as well.

To learn how to include this information in the employee file, please refer to the Editing Data section in this article: Manage employee personal details and change account emails

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