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Create a new external or internal job as an admin

Available for the following HR plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following User Access level: Admin   

Hiring the right talent requires using the right job posts. It is therefore crucial that you use a job posting platform that not only simplifies job creation but also optimises candidate selection.

With the Add new job feature, you can post internal and external roles and customise them by your candidate criteria, pre-screening questions, and hiring managers. The feature uses SmartMatch to identify top candidates based on your job posting and preferences.

Add an external job

Step One: Create job
  1. Click the  Recruitment menu.
  2. Click the Recruitment submenu.
  3. Click the Jobs tab.
  4. Click the   Add a New Job ⌄ button.
  5. On the drop-down that will now appear, click Add a New Job.
    screenshot of Recruitment page, highlighting Add new job button and its drop-down

    A popup called 'Add new job' will now appear.
  6. Select Create from scratch then click Next.

    If you already have existing information to create your job from, you can also click 'Create from job' or 'Create from employee'.
     screenshot of Add new job popup, highlighting Create from scratch button and Next button

    You will now be on the 'Create a job' page and will see its first section: Job Details.

  7. On the Job Details page, complete all the relevant fields.

    You can use the 'Available positions (optional)' field to specify how many positions you are hiring for when you create a role. Employment Hero will not display this info on any job boards besides your own Careers page.

    For the 'Job description' field, if you are on Employment Hero's Platinum HR Plan you can click the yellow stars icon in the bottom right hand corner of the Job Description text box. This will make the platform automatically generate a draft message.

    screenshot of Add new job popup, highlighting Create from scratch button and Next button
  8. Click Create Job. screenshot of Create a job page, highlighting Create job button You will now be on the Screening Questions section. Refer to Step Two of this article to continue.
Step Two: Add screening questions
  1. On the Screening questions section, click  Add a Question if you want to add screening questions. Otherwise, click Skip and continue to Step Three of this article.
    screenshot of Create a job page's Screening Questions section
  2. Type your question in the Question field and select the question type. You can add one of seven kinds of questions:
    • Short answer
    • Long answer
    • Date
    • Number
    • Yes/No
    • Dropdown
    • Multiple-Choice
      • Note: You can also select a screening template.

  3. Click Add a Question to add another question if required.
  4. When you have finished adding your screening question(s), click Save.  screenshot of Create a job page's Screening Questions form

    You will now be on the Hiring Process section. Refer to Step Three of this article to continue.
Step Three: Add Hiring Process evaluation questions
  1. Now you are at the Hiring Process section, refer to the information under where the page says 'Select the hiring process for this job'.
  2. Select one or more Hiring Processes based on your preference.  screenshot of 'Create a job' page, highlighting Hiring Process options
  3. Each time you click a hiring process that is a drop-down button, you will see an Evaluation section appear.
  4. Decide whether to select the Enable Overall Rating toggle.
  5. Complete the fields of the Evaluation section: 'Section Name' and 'Questions'.

    Note: You can click 'Add a new section' if you would like to add further questions to the candidate evaluation.

    Tip: Click the 'Import from Template' button if you want to use a pre-existing template you have already made.

  6. Click Save.screenshot of Hiring Process section, highlighting Save button
  7. Having now decided on your hiring process selection, click Save and then Continue.

    screenshot of Hiring Process page, highlighting Save button and Continue button

    You will now move onto the Team Members section. Continue to Step Four of this article.

Step Four: Add Team Members

This optional section lets you add team members as hiring managers if you want them to be able to access, review, and manage all aspects of the job you are posting. If you do not want to use this option, simply click Skip and move on to Step five of this article.

  1. Click the Hiring managers (Optional) drop-down field then enter the one or more team members you wish to be assigned as hiring managers.
    screenshot of Team Members section, highlighting Hiring Managers (Optional) field and its entries
  2. Click Save & continue.

    You will now be at the final section: Find Candidates. Continue to Step Five of this article to continue.

Step Five: Assign job boards

You will now be at the Find Candidates stage. Here you will be given more information on how SmartMatch works at the top of the page and a list of available job boards at the middle of the page.

  1. Refer to the option(s) provided in the 'job boards' section in the middle of the page. They can be free and/or paid job boards.

    Tip: You can also click the 'Select all' checkbox if you would like to use all of them.

    screenshot of Create a job page, highlighting job boards selection
  2. Ensure you have selected the job board(s) you want to use then click Save & continue.

    You will now be on the next entry of the Find Candidates section. Here you will be told how many potential candidates SmartMatch found for your role.

    Tip: You can learn more about how SmartMatch works by clicking the 'Show more' drop-down button on the page.

  3. Refer to the section 'Refine criteria list'. This will show SmartMatch's recommended candidate criteria in order of most important to least important – with 'Most Important' being number 1 at the top.
  4. If required, reorder the criteria by dragging the items using the hamburger icon (≡) that each criterion has.
    screenshot of Find candidates section, highlighting candidate criteria listed from most important to least important
  5. When you are satisfied with the candidate criteria and its ordering, click Save changes & find talent!.
  6. Refer down the page to view an updated list of suitable candidates – namely the talent pool – provided by SmartMatch.

    You can refer to the Important note below to learn how to utilise this SmartMatch candidate talent pool.

    screenshot of an example of a SmartMatch candidate talent pool


    SmartMatch identifies and prioritises candidates from its talent pool who align with your job criteria. The SmartMatch talent pool window displays the number of potential candidates and lets you take the following actions:

    • View Candidate Profiles: For any candidate you are interested in, find the section that has their name then click View Profile on that section. This lets you explore their experience, skills, and other details.

    • Add Candidates to Your List: Click Add to Job to move a favoured candidate into your list for a streamlined recruitment process.

    • Refine Your Search: Use the Refine Search option to adjust SmartMatch's filters and, if needed, reprioritise the candidate factors you want it to identify. This ensures SmartMatch’s recommendations are tailored to your job criteria and preferences.

  7. When you have finished referring to the SmartMatch talent pool, click Continue.
    screenshot of an example of a SmartMatch talent pool, highlighting Continue button

    You will now be on the final page of the Find Candidates section.
  8. Decide whether you want to toggle on the Only employees can apply option. (If selected, the job will be available to active employees in your organisation through the Swag App. The job will not be visible on your public career page.)
  9. Click Save & continue.
    screenshot of Create a job page, highlighting 'Only employers can apply' toggle and Save & continue button

    A confirmation popup with the heading 'We have sent it off to be posted!' will now appear.

  10. Read the popup's information about job boards and SmartMatch and then click the Got It! button.
    screenshot of Create a job page, highlighting 'We have sent it off to be posted!' popup and its 'Got it!' button

    Your job has now been made, and your screen will now show you your live posting with information from SmartMatch such as your search criteria and potential candidates.

    Note: When candidates apply to your job post, they will receive an automatic email confirming their application has been received and you will also be emailed about their interest.

    screenshot of Recruitment page and an active job posting on it

Add an internal job

Step One: Create internal role
  1. Log into your Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. On the left-side menu, select Recruitment.
  3. Select the Recruitment sub-menu item.
  4. Click Add New Job then, on the dropdown that will then appear, click Create internal role.  screenshot of 'Create a job page', highlighting 'Job title, industry and location' form section
  5. On the 'Add new job' window, click Create from scratch.
    screenshot of Recruitment page's Add new job window, highlighting Create from scratch button
  6. Now you are on the 'Create a job' page, begin by filling in the form fields in the 'Job title, industry and location' section.
    screenshot of 'Create a job page', highlighting 'Job title, industry and location' form section
  7. Scroll down to the 'Employment details' section of the form and fill in its fields.
  8. Finish the form by filling in the fields in the 'Salary and contact details' section.

    Tip: When referring to the Pay Rate part of the form, you may see a blue information box that provides Salary Insights Data. This information box will cover the salary range (for example, $49,577 to $59,999 p.a.) that applies to your advertised job title and its location.

  9. Click 'Create job'.
    screenshot of 'Create a job' page, highlighting 'Employment details' and 'Salary and contact details' form entries and 'Create job' buttonn

    You will now be on the Screening Questions section. Continue to Step Two of this article.

Step Two: Enter screening questions
  1. If you wish to add screening questions (they are optional), click Add a question and input one or more questions. Otherwise, click Skip and refer to step 14 of this article.
    screenshot of Screening Questions section of 'Create a job' page, highlighting 'Add a question' button
  2. (Optional) If you chose to click Add a question (rather than 'Skip'), enter the question into the one or more 'Question' fields you want your candidates to answer.
  3. Decide whether to select the 'Required' checkbox if you want the question to be mandatory.
  4. (Optional) Just click 'Add a question' if you would like to ask more than one question and then repeat the process mentioned in steps 11 and 12.

    Tip: If you would prefer not to enter information manually, you can choose a template from the 'Select template (Optional)' drop-down button and click the 'Magically generate a question' button (the yellow stars button)

    screenshot of 'Create a job' page, highlighting Screening Questions form fields
  5. When you are satisfied with how you have inputted your screening question(s), click Save.

    You will now be on the Hiring Process section. Continue to Step Three of this article.

Step Three: Enter hiring process information
  1. Select the one or more hiring processes available (e.g. 'In Review').

    If you select a hiring process that is a drop-down button you will now see a form called 'Evaluation'.

  2. (Optional) Fill in the fields of the Evaluation form by entering a section name and the question(s) you think will help Employment Hero evaluate the right talent. If you do not want to fill out one or more evaluation forms, click Continue and skip to step 18 of this article.

    Tip: You can click Save (next to the 'Reset' button) if you would like to save your progress before continuing.

    screenshot of 'Create a job' page's Hiring Process section, highlighting In Review hiring process dropdown button and its Evaluation form fields
  3. When you are satisfied with what you have inputted in the Hiring Process section, click Continue.

    You will now be on the Hiring Process section. Continue to Step Four of this article.

Step Four: Enter team members
  1. (Optional) Click the drop-down button in the 'Hiring managers (Optional)' field and select the name(s) of any available individuals you want to access and manage all aspects of the job.
  2. Click Save & continue.
    screenshot of Create a job page's Team Members section, highlighting 'Hiring managers (Optional)' field and 'Save & continue' button

    You will now be on the Find Candidates section. Continue to Step Five of this article.

Step Five: Save pre-selected job board

Note: As you are posting an internal job, there will be one free job board on this page. Employment Hero will automatically pre-select this free job board that will be specific to your organisation.

  1. Click Save & continue.
    screenshot of 'Create a job' page's Find Candidates section, highlighting free job board and 'Save & continue' button

    You will now be on the final page of the Find Candidates section.

    Note: The 'Only employees can apply' toggle will be automatically active as your job

  2. Click Save & continue.
    screenshot of 'Create a job' page's Find Candidates section, highlighting 'Save & continue' button
  3. You will now see a confirmation window called 'We have sent it off to be posted!'. On that window, click Got it!.
    screenshot of 'Create a job' page's 'We have sent it off to be posted!' window, highlighting its 'Got it!' button

    With your internal job advert now successfully posted, you will see a page showing suitable candidates.

    screenshot of Recruitment page, showing a list of suitable candidates

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