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View my leave balance as an employee and contractor

Checking your leave balance helps you stay informed about available time off, making it easier to plan your work schedule or upcoming holidays.

Using the 'Get latest leave balance' feature lets both employees and contractors quickly view their latest leave balance on the Employment Hero platform. This ensures a quick and easy way to keep on top of your upcoming plans when managing leave.

View leave balance as a contractor

Get latest leave balance
  1. Log into the Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. Click the  Time menu.
  3. Click the Leave submenu.
  4. Click Create Leave Request.
    screenshot of the my leave requests screen, with a highlight on the create leave request button
  5. Now you are on the Request Leave page, refer to the LEAVE BALANCE section.
  6. Click Get latest leave balance to refresh the LEAVE BALANCE details and ensure you have received the most recent information.
    screenshot of the request leave page, with a highlight on the get latest leave balance button

View leave balance as an employee

Get latest leave balance
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Click the Leave submenu.
  3. Now you are on the My Leave Requests page, refer to the LEAVE BALANCE section.
  4. Click Get latest leave balance to refresh the LEAVE BALANCE details and ensure you have received the most recent information.screenshot of My Leave Requests page, highlighting LEAVE BALANCE element
  5. Alternatively, click Create Leave Request.
    screenshot of the my leave requests screen, with a highlight on the create leave request button
  6. Now you are on the Request Leave page, refer to the Leave Balance section.
  7. Click Get latest leave balance to refresh the LEAVE BALANCE details and ensure you have received the most recent information.screenshot of Request Leave page, highlighting Leave Balance window and 'Get latest leave balance' button

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