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Edit employee employment details

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Free, Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Admin    

If the conditions of an employee's job status change, you must update their information to ensure that HR records stay current. The Employment Details feature allows you to make these changes, which are then reflected throughout the HR platform. This is a great time-saver for your organisation as it helps maintain accurate records of your employees.


If the "Company Email" field is not populated in the employee's HR File and an email is triggered to the company email, the message will instead be sent to their account email.

  Interactive learning

Interactive demo: Change an employee's employment details
Click here for an interactive demo to bulk-update employee files via CSV template

Change an employee's employment details

Change an employee's employment details

Below are the steps to change an employee's employment details, including things like job title, manager, start date, company email, company mobile etc.

  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. Click the  People option on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Click the Employees List option.
  4. Select the employee whose details you need to update.
  5. Click the Employment details tab.
  6. Click the  Edit button.
    Screenshot of employee file screen, highlighting details tab and edit button
  7. Edit the following fields:
    • Employing entity

      Helpful Hint

      Here, you can assign your employees to an employing entity. To learn how to create a new entity, refer to this article.

    • Employee code
    • Location

      Helpful Hint

      Here, you can assign the employee's primary work location. To learn how to create new work locations, refer to this article.

    • Primary cost centre
    • Additional cost centres


      To use the Primary cost centre and Additional cost centre fields, you will require a connection to Employment Hero Payroll.

      Additional cost centres allow an employee to access a location that is not their primary cost centre. For example, when submitting a timesheet, it provides the employee with their primary and additional cost centre.

    • Employment type
    • Job title


      To edit Employment type and Job title, go to the employee's Employment history tab. To read more about the Employment History feature, refer to this article.

    • Primary manager


      If the HR platform is showing the same employee multiple times in the drop-down, this means there are duplicate employees on your platform. To learn how to correct this error, refer to this article.

    • Secondary manager
    • Start date
    • Termination date
    • Probation length
    • Company email
    • Company mobile
    • Company landline
    • Teams

      Helpful Hint

      Here, you can assign employees to a team.

      • To learn how to create new teams, refer to this article.
      • To learn how to remove a team from the employee profile, please refer to the Removing a team from the employee file tab in the Further information section of this article.


      If you have assigned a team to a custom security group, the HR platform will automatically apply this security group to any new employees assigned to the team. To learn more about this feature, refer to this article.

  8. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of employment details highlighting save button
Change employment details in bulk

Here you can choose to bulk-upload employee information using an Employment Hero CSV template.

  1. Log into Employment Hero.
  2. Click the  People option on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Click on the Import Employees option.
  4. Under Step 1. Prepare your personnel data in one CSV template; select which CSV template you would like to use. Choose from the following options:
    • Update Employee Employment Details
    • Update Employee Pay Details (Xero, MYOB)
    • Update User Pay Details (Employment Hero Payroll, KeyPay, QuickBooks Online)
    • Advanced Import Employees (including pay details)
    • Quick-Import Employees
    • Update Employee Custom Fields
      choose your csv template
  5. When you download the CSV template, choose whether you want the CSV template to contain the existing employee information within it.
    tick the box to include existing user information
  6. When you download the CSV template, choose whether you want the CSV template to contain employee information for terminated employees.
    tick the box to include terminated users
  7. Click on the Download button.
    click on download to download your chosen csv template
  8. Add your employee information to the CSV template. 
  9. Under Step 2. Upload your completed file in CSV format; click the box to upload your completed CSV template.
    Upload the completed CSV template
  10. Click Yes on the import file popup box.
    Upload the completed CSV template
  11. Next, map your data by ensuring that your CSV template columns match with the correct Employment Hero fields
  12. Click Continue.
    Map your data to correct Employment Hero field
  13. Your employee fields will now be updated. Click on Go to Employees Page to view the updated employee files.
    screen will show imported successfully
What you can change in the Employment Details section
Below is a list of the details you can change for an employee within their Employment Details section:
  • Employing entity
  • Employee code
  • Location
  • Primary cost centre
  • Additional cost centre
  • Employment type
  • Job title
  • Primary manager
  • Secondary manager
  • Start date
  • Termination date
  • Length of probation
  • Company email
  • Company mobile
  • Company landline
  • Teams

Further information

Removing a team from the employee file

To remove a team, just follow these steps in the Employee File screen:

  1. Click on the Teams (Optional) dropdown.
  2. Click the team you want to remove.
    Screenshot of employment details highlighting teams dropdown

    Helpful Hint

    You will see that the team you have just clicked has been deselected.

    Screenshot of employment details with team dropdown active
  3. After that, click the Save button.
    Screenshot of employment details with team dropdown highlighting save button

Explore related content

  • Manage assigned certifications This feature allows your employees to complete their assigned certifications and view a history log of their uploaded documentation.
  • Manage bank account details  This feature allows you to add an employee's bank account, specify the account number, and the pay going into each account.
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