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How do I add Early Adopters in setup mode via the HR platform?

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Admin, Manager

When setting up your new platform, you can invite staff members to become Early Adopters, which will allow your chosen people to explore the platform in the set up phase with you. 

Early Adopters will be able to explore the platform during setup, so that all Admins and Early Adopters can learn about the platform together. Below you can see how to access this feature. 

Helpful Hint

Early Adopters will receive emails from the Employment Hero platform during the setup process to assist with navigation of the platform. A list of the emails sent to Early Adopters is featured in Further Information below. 


You first have to turn on Setup Mode and Setup Dashboard for your organisation before you can invite early adopters. To do this, please refer to the Turn on Setup Mode and Setup Dashboard item in the Before You Start section.

Before you start

Turn on Setup Mode and Setup Dashboard
  1. Click the Settings menu.
  2. Under General Settings, click the Company Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Employment Settings tab.
  4. Click the Yes button for both:
    • Setup Mode
    • Setup Dashboard
    screenshot of the employment settings page, highlighting the yes buttons for setup mode and setup dashboard
  5. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the employment settings, page, highlighting the save button

Getting started

Invite an existing staff member
  1. Log into your Employment Hero platform. 
  2. On your Employment Hero Dashboard, locate the Getting started panel.
    Screenshot of where to locate the set up panel on the employment hero dashboard
  3. Locate the Invite your early adopters option then click Set up now.
    Screenshot of where to click on set up now for early adopters in the set up dashboard
  4. You will see a pop-up explaining the advantages of inviting Early Adopters.
  5. Select your chosen employee under Search a name.
  6. Add the following details:
    • Role type
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email
  7. Click Send Invitation.
    Screenshot of where to click on set up now for early adopters in the set up dashboard
  8. The Early Adopter that you have invited will receive an invitation email.


The invitation email will last for 72 hours. After this, you will need to manually send another invitation email to the early adopter.

Inviting staff via Employee Onboarding
  1. Log into your Employment Hero platform.
  2. Locate the Employee Onboarding panel then click Add Employee (you may need to scroll down the page to find this tile).
    Screenshot of where to click on add employee in the employee onboardng tile
  3. Add the following details:
    • Email
    • First name
    • Last name
  4. Click Continue.
    Screenshot of where to add the email, first name and last name for early adopters
  5. Add the following details:
    • Employing entity
    • Location
    • Last name
    • Employee code (optional)
    • Remote (optional)
    • Employment type
    • Start date
    • Job title
    • Industry standard job title
    • Probation length (optional)
    • Primary manager (optional)
    • Secondary manager (optional)
    • Teams (optional)
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Add the following:
    • Pay rate
    • Work hours
    • Ordinary work day
    • Benefits (optional)
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Back on your Employment Hero Dashboard, locate the Getting started panel.
    Screenshot of where to locate the set up panel on the employment hero dashboard
  10. Locate the Invite your early adopters option then click Set up now.
    Screenshot of where to click on set up now for early adopters in the set up dashboard
  11. You will see a pop-up explaining the advantages of inviting Early Adopters.
  12. Select your chosen employee under Search a name from the drop-down menu.
    Screenshot of where to search a name set up now for early adopters
  13. Add the following details:
    • Role type
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email
  14. Click Send Invitation.
    Screenshot of where to add the email, first and last name set up now for early adopters
  15. The Early Adopter that you have invited will receive an invitation email.


The invitation email will last for 72 hours. After this, you will need to manually send another invitation email to the early adopter.

Invite staff via People Employee List
  1. Log into your Employment Hero platform. 
  2. Use the Quick Add method of adding an employee by following these directions
  3. Back on your Employment Hero Dashboard, locate the Getting started panel.

    Screenshot of where to click on the getting started panel for early adopters
  4. Locate the Invite your early adopters option then click Set up now.
    Screenshot of where to click on set up now for early adopters in the set up dashboard
  5. You will see a pop-up explaining the advantages of inviting Early Adopters.
  6. Select your chosen employee under Search a name.
    Screenshot of where to click on search a name for early adopters in the set up dashboard
  7. Add the following details:
    • Role type
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email
  8. Click Send Invitation.
    Screenshot of where to click on search send invitation for early adopters in the set up dashboard
  9. The Early Adopter that you have invited will receive an invitation email.


The invitation email will last for 72 hours. After this, you will need to manually send another invitation email to the early adopter.

Further information

List of emails sent to Early Adopters
Early Adopters will receive the following emails while their organisation is in setup mode.
Topic Action Subject
Confirmation email (Early Adopters)


<Org name> has invited you to join Employment Hero
Licence emails (certification)

If assigned 


You are required to obtain a certification

If not assigned  

Your certification is no longer required
Member licence emails

If approved

Your certification has been approved

If not approved 


Your certification has been declined

Complete (employee submits to review)

You are required to review a certification

Expired licence

Your certification has now expired

Remind manager to review

Your employee's certification <expires today | will expire in %{reminder} | has expired %{reminder} ago

Remind employee for expiry

Your certification <expires today | will expire in %{reminder} | has expired %{reminder} ago
Timesheet emails

New timesheet by employee

Timesheets are awaiting your review

Update by employee

A timesheet entry from <employee name> has been updated and is awaiting your review

Status update by manager

Your timesheets have been updated
Document emails

Confirm document email

A new document has been added to your account

Document signed by sender email

%{employer_name} has sent you a %{document_title}

Document requires recipient signature email

Your signature is required for %{document_title}

Document requires sending signatory signature email

Document requires your signature

Document not accepted email

Your document has not been accepted by %{employer_name}

Document letter of finalised email to recipient

Your <document title> has been finalised with <employing entity>

Document letter of finalised email to sender

Your <document title> has been finalised with <employing entity>

Confirm induction email

You are required to acknowledge a document

Confirm shared document email

A new document has been added to your account
Leave request emails

New leave by employee

Leave requests are awaiting your review

New leave request by manager

A new leave request has been submitted by your manager

Update by employee

A leave request from <employee name> has been updated and is awaiting your review

Status update by manager

Your leave requests have been <leave status>
Employee emails


<Employer Name> has invited you to join Employment Hero


Welcome to Employment Hero

Authorising signatory invite

You have been nominated as the authorising signatory

Authorising signatory instructions

You have been nominated as the authorising signatory

Onboarding reminder

Don't delay your pay and complete your onboarding process

Onboarding confirmation reminder

Don't delay your onboarding and complete your confirmation process

Onboarding created by reminder

Don't delay the onboarding of your employees and complete your onboarding process

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