Available for the following New HR plan Standard, Premium, Platinum Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Manager, Admin
Leave Management lets you approve, decline, edit, or delete employee leave requests. You can also view leave in a leave calendar, view an employee's leave balance, view conflicting leave requests, and submit a leave request for an employee. Before being able to manage leave requests within your organisation, you will need to:
- Make sure all your employees have an assigned manager.
- Enable and assign locations and public holiday calendars.
If your employees have a primary and secondary manager and you wish to have both managers approve a leave request, you can do this through the Two-Level Leave feature. Also, the Leave Calendar will only display employees who have submitted a leave request for the year selected.
Helpful Hint
If an employee submits a leave request, and their primary manager is on leave, their secondary manager will receive the leave request email notification.
Interactive learning
Approve or decline leave
If your HR platform is connected to a payroll platform and you decline a processed leave request, the platform notifies the payroll administrator. They must update the employees' leave request on the payroll platform. The platform does not automatically process the change. To read further details on how to view the specified payroll administrator on the HR platform, refer to the following article.
If your HR platform is connected to a payroll platform and you decline a processed leave request, the platform notifies the payroll administrator. They must update the employees' leave request on the payroll platform. The platform does not automatically process the change. To read further details on how to view the specified payroll administrator on the HR platform, refer to the following article.
Filter results
Primary and secondary managers can only view leave requests submitted by their own employees. Administrators can view all leave requests, including those from employees they do not manage, by selecting "All personnel" in the Reporting personnel filter.
- Click the Time menu.
- Click the Leave Management submenu.
- Click the Filter button and choose from the following options:
- Date range.
- Personnel.
- Leave category.
- Status:
- Pending leave.
- Approved leave.
- Declined leave.
- Employee status:
- Direct employees.
- Indirect employees.
- All employees.
- Click the Search button.
Submit a request
The total hours taken for each day depends on the employment settings that your company has set. You will need to verify that part-time employees have the correct auto-populated value for each day.
When an administrator submits leave for another employee, the platform will automatically approve the leave. When an admin submits a personal leave request, the platform will automatically approve the leave request unless the admin has a primary manager assigned to them on their profile.
- Click the Time menu.
- Click the Leave Management submenu.
- Click the Add New Leave Request button.
- Complete the following fields:
- Who is this leave request for?
- Personnel.
Enter the name of the employee you are submitting a leave request for. Do not enter the person's name who is submitting this leave request.
- Leave type.
The leave types available depend on what leave allowance, pay category, and award you selected within their employee file. To read further details on how to view an employee's pay details, refer to the following article.
- Start date.
- Leave duration.
- End date.
- Comment.
- Click the Add Document button to add any required files.
If you are only submitting a half day off work for your employee, then you can edit the value within the Hours field. For example, instead of nominating eight hours for a full day of leave, you can nominate four hours for a half day of leave. You can also specify whether the leave occurs during morning and afternoon/evening times by selecting AM or PM.
- Click the Approve button.
The total hours taken for each day depends on the employment settings that your company has set. You will need to verify that part-time employees have the correct auto-populated value for each day.
When an administrator submits leave for another employee, the platform will automatically approve the leave. When an admin submits a personal leave request, the platform will automatically approve the leave request unless the admin has a primary manager assigned to them on their profile.
- Click the Time menu.
- Click the Leave Management submenu.
- Click the Add New Leave Request button.
- Complete the following fields:
- Who is thie leave request for?
Helpful Hint
You need to select either Multiple employees or Everyone.
- Personnel.
Enter the name of the employee you are submitting a leave request for. Do not enter the person's name who is submitting this leave request.
- Leave type.
The leave types available depend on what leave allowance, pay category, and award you selected within their employee file. To read further details on how to view an employee's pay details, refer to the following article.
- Start date.
- Leave duration.
- End date.
- Comment.
- Who is thie leave request for?
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Approve button.
Once you approve a re-submitted leave request, the leave request will re-sync automatically.
View and download employee data
The ability to view a leave request is only available if the payroll platform has processed the leave request within a Pay Run and imported the pay slips into the HR platform. Use the clock symbols to see the status of the leave request. You can learn more about them in the Definitions: Symbols tab in the Further information section at the bottom of this article.
Modify data
You can only edit unprocessed leave requests. We mark a leave request as processed when the payslips for the Pay Run containing the applied leave request sync over to your HR platform. Use the clock symbols to see the status of the leave request. You can learn more about them in the Definitions: Symbols tab in the Further information section at the bottom of this article. Also, when an admin that has a manager edits an approved leave request that belongs to them; we will set the leave request to pending.
- Click the Time menu.
- Click the Leave Management submenu.
- Find the relevant leave request. Use the "Filter results" drop-down in this article to narrow down your results.
- Click the Action button.
- Click the Edit button.
If you are only submitting a half day off work for your employee, then you can edit the value within the Hours field. For example, instead of nominating eight hours for a full day of leave, you can nominate four hours for a half day of leave.
- Make the required changes.
- Click the Approve button.
You can only delete a leave request if it you have not processed it yet in the payroll platform and pay slips you have not imported the pay slips into the HR platform. Use the clock symbols to see the status of the leave request. You can learn more about them in the Definitions: Symbols tab in the Further information section at the bottom of this article.
You can delete approved leave requests before terminating an employee, provided you have not processed the leave requests in your payroll platform.
Further information
Pending. | The leave request is waiting for a manager to approve. |
Approved. | A manager has approved a leave request. |
Partially approved. | One of the two required managers has approved a two-level leave request. |
Declined. | A manager has rejected a leave request. |
Created at. | Provides a timestamp of the leave request creation date. |
Synced at. | Provides a timestamp of when the leave request tried to sync with Employment Hero Payroll. |
Sync successful. | States whether the synchronisation of the leave request between Employment Hero and Employment Hero Payroll has been successful. |
Edited at. | Provides a timestamp of the last edit done to the leave request after a previous Employment Hero Payroll synchronisation attempt. |
Icon. | Name. | Description. |
Purple clock. | Used for pending or declined leave requests that have not synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll. | |
Green clock. | Used for approved leave requests that have synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll. | |
Red clock. | Used for approved leave requests that have not synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll. | |
Orange clock. | Used for pending, approved, or declined leave requests that have had changes made to them after synchronising with Employment Hero Payroll. | |
Aeroplane. | You can use the Aeroplane symbol to see if a leave request includes public holidays. The Aeroplane symbol will only show next to approved leave requests. | |
Message. | Employee has left a note regarding this leave request. | |
Download. | Employee has attached a file to this leave request. | |
Exclamation. | Used to alert an Admin that the employee has entered leave hours for a public holiday. |
Once you have enabled the Two-Level Leave feature, your employees will require their leave request to have approval from their primary and secondary managers. The workflow for this process is:
- The employee lodges their leave request.
- Primary and secondary managers will receive an email notification of this leave request.
- A manager (any of the two managers) approves the leave request.
The status of the request will change to Partially Approved, with the first manager's name appearing when hovering over the leave request in the availability section.
- The second manager now approves the leave request.
Helpful Hint
Employees with one manager will only require the primary manager to approve their request even though two-level leave approval is active.
The status of the request will show Approved, and both managers’ names will appear when hovering over the leave request in the availability section.
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