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Who are you and what section are you in?
This section covers how you can view items such as your pay slips and your assigned tasks or OKRs.
- As an employer or admin, how do I use Hero AI via the HR platform?
- Complete my assigned surveys
- Completing my employee happiness survey | HR Web Platform
- How do I add Early Adopters in setup mode via the HR platform?
- How do I change the widgets on my dashboard?
- How do I onboard a new employee via the HR platform?
- How do I view all my outstanding approval tasks via the HR platform
- How do I view an overview of team Shout Outs and recognition via the HR platform?
- How to use Hero AI for Employees FAQ | HR platform?
- View birthdays and work anniversaries from the dashboard
- View my team's progress towards my organisation's goals (OKRs)
- Viewing my assigned Goals (OKRs) | HR Web Platform
- Viewing my organisations HR metrics from my dashboard via the HR platform
- What is the difference between a shout out and recognition in the HR platform?