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Update leave categories from Xero to the HR platform

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin

This article is relevant if you:

  • Use Xero for your payroll; and
  • See an error message called "Leave category does not exist in Xero."

A leave category enables employees to submit time off under specific predefined types. These categories help track the types of leave taken and the accrued balances, allowing your organisation to effectively manage and report on employee leave.

The Update Leave Categories feature allows you to synchronise the leave categories created on your Xero platform and make them selectable within the HR platform. Making sure the HR platform has the latest configuration data and your employee records have the correct information.

Getting started

The below premise will walk you through how to update your pay categories.

Update Leave categories from Xero
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Leave Categories submenu.
  3. Click the   Update From Payroll button.

    Helpful Hint

    The Pay Categories page will now show a grey   Updated button and means the HR platform has successfully imported your pay categories from your payroll platform.

Further information

Why am I getting an error saying "Leave category does not exist"?

See this article to troubleshoot this issue.

Explore related content

  • HR platform: Update pay schedules This feature allows you to synchronise the pay schedules created on your payroll platform and make them selectable within the HR platform.
  • HR platform: Leave categories This feature allows you to synchronise the leave categories created on your payroll platform and make them selectable within the HR platform.
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