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Integrate with ShiftCare and import staff from the Payroll platform

Available for the following Payroll plans: Premium
Available for the following user access level: Admin

ShiftCare is a management platform designed to help care providers streamline their operations, manage staff schedules, and deliver high-quality care. By integrating the Employment Hero payroll platform with ShiftCare, you can import your employee data directly into ShiftCare, making it easier to keep your staff records up to date and manage team operations efficiently.

This article explains how to set up the integration and import staff from the Employment Hero payroll platform to ShiftCare. If you want to integrate ShiftCare with Employment Hero's HR platform, see this article.

Getting started


To connect Employment Hero to ShiftCare, you must be an admin of both platforms.
Step 1: Enable Employment Hero integration within ShiftCare
  1. Log in to your ShiftCare account.
  2. Go to Account menu, then Settings submenu.
  3. Scroll down the page to the integration section.
  4. Turn on the Employment Hero Payroll switch.
    Integrations Payroll.jpg
Step 2: Connect ShiftCare to Employment Hero
  1. From the main menu, click the Integrations submenu, then Employment Hero Payroll.

  2. Click Connect to Employment Hero Payroll.

  3. Follow any additional instructions, such as clicking Allow to authorise the integration.
  4. You should automatically land on the Employment Hero Payroll integration page. 
  5. Use the Select an organisation dropdown to choose the organisation you want to work with in Employment Hero. This may be automatically done for you.
    select organisation.jpg
Step 3: Import staff from Employment Hero Payroll to ShiftCare


ShiftCare will match employees based on their emails. If your staff have a different email in Employment Hero Payroll to the one used in ShiftCare, you need to navigate to Staff List Click on Staff Member in ShiftCare and add the email into their Payroll Email field.
  1. Make sure the organisation you want to work with is selected from the Select an organisation dropdown menu.
  2. From the Employment Hero Payroll integrations page, click Import Staff. You will need to repeat this step for all new employees in the future.
    Import staff payroll.jpg
  3. Check the information on the confirmation screen, then click Import Staff.
    The system will import the following details from Employment Hero to ShiftCare:
    • Employee ID
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email (Account email within Employment Hero)
    • Title
    • Gender
    • Date of birth
    • Address
    • Mobile number
    • Qualifications
  4. The import may take a few minutes. Once the import is complete, you will be shown the number of successful imports and the number of staff not imported. You can now either:
    • View Staff - shows the newly imported staff.
    • View report - shows the staff that have and have not been imported.
      view staff view report (1).jpg

Further information

What status will imported employees be given?
Employees will automatically have the status of Carer when imported from Employment Hero.
How do I make sure the information imported from Employment Hero is up to date?
You can use the Import Staff function to make sure that the information from Employment Hero is up to date. By re-running the Import Staff function, new staff will be imported, as well as any new certifications and information for existing staff.
How can I track locations/clients in Employment Hero Payroll?
If you would like to track locations or clients in Employment Hero Payroll, you will need to map the ShiftCare external ID to the location in Employment Hero Payroll. Otherwise, the staff’s default location is used. You can learn how to enable multiple locations here and add locations here.

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