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Manage work eligibility

Available for the following HR Plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following User Access levels: Employee      , Admin     

Ensuring your employees have the right to work in Australia is essential for your organisation. An efficient way to manage this is by using an automated VEVO check, which verifies new employees' visa details and confirms their work eligibility.

The Work Eligibility feature lets you run VEVO checks for employees who are not Australian or New Zealand citizens. You can also add, view, and delete relevant documents and edit an employee’s passport number.


If you are on a premium or platinum plan, you can use the Work Eligibility report to run bulk VEVO checks. To read further information on this report, refer to the following article.

  Interactive learning

Interactive demo - Add a document

Check an employee's right to work in Australia

Run a VEVO check


If you are on a premium or platinum plan, you can view historical VEVO checks. If you are on a Standard plan, you can only view the most recent check.


Only Admins/Owners users on the HR platform can run a VEVO check.

  1. Click on the   Personnel menu.
  2. Click on the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee who requires a check.
  4. Click the Work Eligibility button.
  5. Click Run Check button.
    screenshot of employee file highlighting run check

Add a work eligibility document

Add a work eligibility document
  1. Click the   People menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs a document added.
  4. Click the Work Eligibility tab.
  5. Click the   Add Document button.
    screenshot of employee file highlighting work eligibility tab
  6. Click or drag the required file onto the Upload tile.
  7. Click the Save button.

Manage work eligibility documents

View documentation
  1. Click the   Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee whose documentation you wish to view.
  4. Click the Work Eligibility tab.
  5. Click the document you want to view.
    Screenshot of work eligibility tab highlighting supporting document
Edit passport information
  1. Click the   Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs their passport updated.
  4. Click the Work Eligibility tab.
  5. Click the   Edit button.
    screenshot of work eligibility tab highlighting edit button
  6. Make the required changes and then click the Save button.
Deleting documents
  1. Click the   Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs a document deleted.
  4. Click the Work Eligibility tab.
  5. Click the Delete button.
    Screenshot of work eligibility tab highilgithing delete button
  6. Click the Delete button on the confirmation popup.

Further information

Definitions: VEVO checks
Success. This means the check has been successful. You can click the View button to view its details.
Failed. This means the check has failed and could mean the details entered are incorrect or invalid.
Why did my VEVO check fail?

If your VEVO check is failing, you can follow the troubleshooting advice in this article.

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  • Managing bank account details  This feature allows you to add an employee's bank account, specify the account number, and the pay going into each account.
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