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Employee exists on both Employment Hero and Xero | Error


This error occurs when the employee exists on both your Xero and Employment Hero platforms, and they are using the same unique identifier. In other words, both records are using the same email address.


You can resolve this error by opting to use either your Xero or Employment Hero employee data.


If you choose to use your Xero platform employee data over the information in your Employment Hero (EH) platform, the Xero data will overwrite the data stored in your EH platform. Similarly, if you choose to use your EH platform data over the information in your Xero platform, the EH data will overwrite the data stored in your Xero platform.

Solution one: Use Xero data
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Add-ons submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   View Conflicts button.
  5. Click the Action   button.
  6. Click the   Use Xero Data button.
Solution two: Use Employment Hero data
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Add-ons submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   View Conflicts button.
  5. Click the Action   button.
  6. Click the   Use EH Data button.

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  • Leave balance visibility | Xero Guide This guide walks you through how to customise your employee's leave balance visibility in your Employment Hero platform.
  • Common Xero Import Conflicts This section contains a range of error resolution articles that cover common import conflicts our clients run into when syncing their Xero data.
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