Available for the following Payroll Plan: Standard, Premium
Within your organisation, you may have employees who change roles through a promotion, move to a different team or change to a different project and may require a change in their employing entity. If this is the case, you can use the Reassign Employee feature to move an employee to a different employing entity. You can back-date this change from today, from the employees start date or a custom date of your choosing.
You can not have an employee linked to two separate employing entities at the same time.
When you change an employee employing entity on the HR platform, it synchronises these changes over to your organisation's payroll platform automatically. However, when you do this via the payroll platform, it does not automatically synchronise with your HR platform. If you are using our HR platform, we recommend you do not make these changes on your payroll platform and instead make them on your HR platform via the Employment Details feature.
Daily activities
- Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Reassign Employing Entities tab.
- Complete the following fields:
- Employees:
- Select specific employees.
- All employees.
- All employees (including terminated employees).
- New employing entity.
- As of:
- Today.
- Employees start date.
- Custom date.
- Employees:
- Click the Change Employing Entities button.
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- Payroll Platform: Setup ABA Payment Files This feature allows you to set up your organisation's ABA payment file details, such as the BSB number, account name, and number, and financial institution code.