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Business Settings
This section is where you can set up your organisation's payroll settings, e.g. for your payment files, business details and payslip configuration.
- How do I import and export opening balances in the Payroll platform?
- How do I manage dimensions and dimension values via the Payroll platform?
- How do I manage pay slip settings via the Payroll platform?
- How do I re-assign an employee's super fund in the Payroll platform?
- How do I set up ABA payment files in the Payroll platform?
- Manage ATO settings and lodgements on the Payroll platform
- Map GL (General Ledger) accounts on the Payroll platform
- Organisational file notes | Payroll Web Platform
- Re-assign an employees employing entity via the payroll platform
- Register with Beam to automate your superannuation payments
- Restricted email domains | Payroll Guide
- Set up and manage my organisation's certifications on the Payroll platform
- Setup and manage employing entities on Payroll classic
- Setup BPAY payment files | Payroll Web platform
- View software and BMD ID and managing standing authority on Payroll platform