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Salary history | Xero Payroll

Available for the following HR plans: Free, Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin

An employee's salary may change because of a promotion, salary review, or annual wage increase and this would require an update of the information stored within the HR classic platform. Updating this information will make sure the employee has the correct pay details within your Xero platform, because the Employment Hero to Xero sync for employee file changes is not bidirectional.

You can use the Salary History feature to add an employee's salary details and specify the leave allowance template, leave category, and pay schedule that needs applying. You can also use this feature to edit the information if it changes and delete a record if it is no longer required.

Getting started

Add salary information
  1. Click the People menu.
  2. Click the Employees List submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs a salary added.
  4. Click the Pay and compensation tile.
  5. Click the Salary History tab.
  6. Click the Create a New Salary button.
  7. Fill in the following fields:
    • Effective from.
    • Pay rate.
    • Superannuation.
    • Normal working hours per week.
    • Pay category.
    • Pay schedule.
    • Change reason.
    • Comments.
  8. Click the Next button.
  9. Choose from the following options:
    • Save as a new earning line.
    • Save salary changes to Employment Hero.

    Helpful Hint

    If you choose this option, salary changes made in Employment Hero will not automatically sync over to your Xero platform. It will, however, trigger an email to your payroll admin to let them know that salary changes need updating on your Xero platform.

  10. Click the Update and Save Changes button.

Editing data

Editing salary information
  1. Click the People menu.
  2. Click the Employees List submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs a salary update.
  4. Click the Pay and compensation tile.
  5. Click the Action button.
  6. Click the Edit button. 
  7. Make the required changes and then click the Next button.
  8. Make the required changes and then click the Update and Save Changes button.

Deleting data

Deleting salary information
  1. Click the People menu.
  2. Click the Employees List submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs a salary deleted.
  4. Click the Pay and compensation tile.
  5. Click the Action button.
  6. Click the Delete button.
  7. Click the OK button.

Further information

Effective date: definition

The effective date is the date that the salary change will sync to payroll. Please note the below: 

  • If today or a past date is entered in HR, there is an option to sync that to Xero
  • If a future date is added, it will not sync to payroll but trigger an email to payroll admin to manually add it to Xero.

Explore related content

  • Leave balance visibility | Xero Guide This guide walks you through how to customise your employee's leave balance visibility in your Employment Hero platform.
  • Common Xero Import Conflicts This section contains a range of error resolution articles that cover common import conflicts our clients run into when syncing their Xero data.
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