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Add, edit, and delete company goals (OKRs)

Available for the following HR plans: Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee    , Manager    , Admin    

The Goals (OKR) feature allows you to create a new company, team, or individual goal and specify what the key results are, and how you will measure the progress of these objectives. You can also use this feature to edit any previously created goals or key results if the information needs updating; view the company goal alignment chart, add, or edit any provided comments, and delete a record if it is no longer required.


If a goal is private and you do not have permission to view it, then it will not appear in the alignment chart. If the child goals of the private goals are public, they also will not show.

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Getting started

Add a goal and key result
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the   Add New button.
    Screenshot of where to click the add new button to add a new goal or okr
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Name.
    • Description.
    • Owner.
    • Due date.
    • Goal alignment.
    • Feed to alignment.
    • Goal type:
      • Individual.
      • Team:
        • Select team.
      • Company.
    • Visibility:
      • Everyone.
      • Team.
      • Participants
  5. Click or drag a file onto the upload tile to add any required documents.
  6. Click the Continue button.
  7. Click the Add Key Result button.
    Screenshot of where to click the add key result button to add a new goal or okr
  8. Complete the following fields:
    • Enter key results.
    • Owner.
    • Due date.
    • Choose one of the four metrics and complete the measurable fields:
      • Percentage.
      • Monetary.
      • Numerical.
      • Complete.


    Depending on which of the four metrics you choose for the key result, the measurable fields displayed will change.

    • Collaborators.
  9. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of where to click the save button to add a new goal or okr
Add a comment
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs a comment added. Screenshot of where to click on the goal that needs editing
  4. In the Comments field, enter the desired comment.
  5. Click the Comment button.

    Helpful Hint

    Typing @ into the comment field, followed by an employee's name, will tag that employee in the comment. Comments do not have a limit on the number of employee tags, so there is no limit to how many employees it can include.

    Screenshot of how to tag staff in a comment on a goal or OKR
Add an emoji reaction
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs an emoji added. Screenshot of where to click on the goal that needs editing
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Select the required emoji reaction.
    screenshot of the goal detail screen, highlighting an emoji reaction

Daily activities

Search for a goal
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Search Goals tab.
  3. Select the employee from the search list.

    Helpful Hint

    The search result will list all the goals that the employee is a part of; i.e. they can either be a goal owner, key result owner, or key result collaborator.

    Screenshot of how to search goals to view all staff and team goals
View the details of a goal
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal you wish to view.
    Screenshot of how to click on the you wish to view

    Helpful Hint

    Displayed on your screen will be the goal, with the current status displayed and any progress updates posted on how the goal is tracking.

    Screenshot of how to view your goal or OKR
View the details of a key result
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal whose key result you need to view. Screenshot of how to click on your goal or OKR to view the key results

    Helpful Hint

    Each Key Result will display a description, the collaborators, progress, and the due date.

    Screenshot of how to click on your goal or OKR to view the key results
View company goal alignment
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Company Goal Alignment button.
    Screenshot of how to click on company goal alignment to view all staff and team goals
  3. Click the   or   buttons to either expand or minimise the displayed goals.
    Screenshot of how to click on company goal alignment to view all staff and team goals

Editing data

Edit a goal
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs editing.
    Screenshot of how to click on the goal or OKR that needs editing
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the   Edit button.
    Screenshot of how to click on the edit button of the goal or OKR that needs editing
  6. Make the required changes.
  7. Click the Save button.
Edit a key result
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs a key result edited.
    Screenshot of how to edit a key result in the goal or OKR
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the   Edit button.
    Screenshot of how to edit a key result in the goal or OKR
  6. Make the required changes.
  7. Click the Save button.
    Screenshot of how to save an edit of a key result in the goal or OKR
Edit a comment
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs a comment edited.
    Screenshot of how to  edit a comment in a key result in the goal or OKR
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the   Edit button.
    Screenshot of how to  edit a comment in a key result in the goal or OKR
  6. Make the required changes.
  7. Click the Save Changes button.

    Helpful Hint

    Typing @ into the comment field, followed by an employee's name, will tag that employee in the comment. Comments do not have a limit on the number of employee tags, so there is no limit to how many employees it can include.

    screenshot of showing the comment, highlighting the save changes button
Update the status of a goal
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs updating.
    Screenshot of where to click on the goal that needs editing to update the status a new goal or okr
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the   Update Status button.
    Screenshot of where to click update status to update the status a goal or okr
  6. Update the status of the goal.
  7. Click the Post Update button.
    Screenshot of where to click on post update to update the status a new goal or okr
Update the status of a key result
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs a key result updated.
    Screenshot of where to click on the goal that needs a key result edited of a goal or okr
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the   Update Status button.
    screenshot of the goal detail screen, highlighting the three dots and update status buttons
  6. Update the status of the key result.
  7. Click the Post Update button.
    screenshot of the update status popup, highlighting the post update button

Removing data

Archive a goal
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs archiving. Screenshot of how to click on a goal or okr that you wish to delete
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the Archive button. Screenshot of where to click on archive to archive goal
Delete a comment
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs a comment deleted.
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the   Delete button.
    screenshot showing the comments, highlighting the three dots and delete buttons for a comment
  6. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the delete confirmation popup, highlighting the delete button
Delete a goal
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs deleting.
    Screenshot of how to click on a goal or okr that you wish to delete
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the   Delete button.
    screenshot of the goal detail screen, highlighting the delete button
  6. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the delete confirmation popup, highlighting the delet button
Delete a key result
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click either the My Goals or Company Goals tab.
  3. Click the goal that needs a key result deleted.
    Screenshot of how to click on the goal that needs editing or deleting
  4. Click the   button.
  5. Click the   Delete button.
    Screenshot of how to delete a key result that needs editing or deleting
  6. Click the Delete button.
    Screenshot of how to delete a key result from the delete popup

Further Information

Explanation: Goal alignment

The goal alignment feature shows a point of relationship between each goal and shows why certain goals are important within your organisation. From a top-down approach, you can drill down from the company goal to see what certain teams and individuals are doing to achieve the overarching company goal within your organisation.

Meanwhile, from a bottom-up approach, it helps individuals understand the context behind why the specific goal they they are working through is important and how it aligns back to your organisation's overarching company goal.

Glossary: Sharing options

Everyone is the default setting used by all existing goals.

Participants Goal owner, key result owner, key result collaborators and their relevant managers (primary, secondary and indirect).
Teams Same permission as participants plus anyone that is also part of the team assigned to the goal.
Which goals have sharing options?
  Everyone Participants Teams
Company goal      
Team goal      
Individual goal      

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