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Complete my 360 self review or peer review

Available for the following HR plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee    , Manager    , Admin    

The 360 Self Review and Peer Review feature allows you to submit a 360 review by answering the questions your organisation has set out for you for discussion during a performance review meeting. You can also view your answers from this section as well if you want to check what answers you provided for a given question.

A 360 review is an assessment method that collects feedback from an employee’s various coworkers, including the manager, colleagues and subordinates, and the employees themselves. The information gathered from the process helps to inform an employee’s strengths as well as opportunities for development. It is an effective assessment method as it collates feedback from a range of sources, allowing for information to surface that might not otherwise in traditional performance review.


Once you complete a 360 self or peer review, you can not edit your responses, so please make sure you double check your answers and that everything is correct submitting your responses.

Getting started

The below will walk you through how to complete either a self or peer 360 review.

Complete my 360 self-review
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the 360 Reviews submenu.
  3. Click the Self Reviews tab.
  4. Click the self-review you need to complete.
  5. Complete the required fields and then click the Submit or Save as Draft button.Peer_2.jpg
Complete a 360 peer review
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the 360 Reviews submenu.
  3. Click the Peer Reviews tab.
  4. Click the peer-review you need to complete. Peer_3.jpg
  5. Complete the required fields and then click the Submit or Save as Draft button.Peer_4.jpg


The below will walk you through how to view either a self or peer 360 review.

View my 360 self-review
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the 360 Reviews submenu.
  3. Click the Self Review tab.
  4. Click the self-review you want to view.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your self-review on your screen.

View a 360 peer review
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Reviews menu.
  3. Click the 360 Reviews submenu.
  4. Click the Peer Reviews tab.
  5. Click the peer-review you want to view.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your peer review on your screen.


Further help

What to do if you are unable to find an answer
  1. Contact the administrator who manages your company's Employment Hero platform.
  2. Submit a ticket to our support team or virtual assistant via your HR platform.
  3. Read through our FAQs.

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