Bulk-update company email addresses
Available for the following plan: Free, Standar...
Change a business owner
Available for the following plan: Free, Standar...
Delete my HR account and organisation from Employment Hero as an admin
How do I delete my account and organis...
Find my org ID FAQ
Available for the following plans: Employment L...
How do I activate a demo site?
Available for the following plans: Employment L...
How do I manage my organisation's open beta features?
Available for the following plans: Employment P...
Navigate the Employment Hero platform
Employment Hero has carefully categorised each ...
New Navigation Menu for Admin | Video
Watch the video tutorial
Read step-by-step art...
The minimum software requirements for Employment Hero
Web browser requirements
Make sure you have ena...
What AI features are available to me?
AI features
AI feature
What changes has Employment Hero made to the side navigation menu?
Employment Hero made a few changes to our side ...
What happens if there is a platform outage?
What happens if there is a platform ou...