I have not received my reset password link | HR Employee FAQ
If you’re having trouble resetting your Employm...
Reset and update your HR platform password
This article provides you with all the informat...
How do I set my account language | HR FAQ
How can I set my account language?
Change my personal email address
Available for the following plan: Free, Standar...
Hero Passport | HR Web Platform
The Hero Passport lets past employees ...
How do I log in to and sign out of Employment Hero? FAQ
Logging in to and signing out of Employment Her...
How do I set my account time zone | HR FAQ
How can set my account time zone?
How to set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) via the HR platform
Available for the following HR plans: Premium, ...
Recover your user account
Available for the following HR plans: Free, Sta...
Service vs Marketing emails explanation | HR Guide
If you are wondering why you have or h...
Switching between organisations | HR FAQ
Available for the following HR plans: Free, Sta...
Using QR codes via the HR platform
What are QR codes and how do I use the...
Your details and the account recovery process via the HR platform
Does Employment Hero store my details?