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Create passcode and log shifts and breaks as an employee on Hero Time Clock app

Available for the following HR plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Employee

It is crucial that you as an employee can track your work hours and break times accurately to ensure fair compensation and efficient workforce management in your organisation.

The Hero Time Clock app allows employees to easily sign in and out of their work and break times, so their managers have a clear and accurate overview of staff time.


Before you follow the below instructions, make sure you have first downloaded the Employment Hero Time Clock tablet app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play.

For managers and admins who want to learn how to manage access to the Hero Time Clock app, visit this article.

Create passcode to access app

For security purposes and to ensure you can identify yourself each time you clock in and out of the Hero Time Clock app, you need to first ensure you have created a six-digit passcode. The below instructions explain how.

Set passcode
  1. Find an email in your inbox called Time Clock Access granted and open it.
  2. On the email, click the Set passcode button.
    screenshot of Time Clock access granted email, highlighting 'Set passcode' button
  3. You will now be taken to a page called Account Settings on your HR platform.
  4. Go to the bottom of the page and click the Set passcode button.
    screenshot of Account Settings page, highlighting Set passcode button
  5. Choose a six-digit passcode and enter it in the required field: New Pin Code.
  6. Re-type that same six-digit passcode in the required field: Confirm New Pin Code.
  7. Click the Update button.
    screenshot of Account Settings page, highlighting passcode fields and Update button

    You will now see a message in the top-right corner of your screen. This confirms your passcode has been successfully registered.

Start and end shift

Start your shift
  1. Tap the Hero Time Clock app on your iPad.
  2. Enter your login credentials.
  3. Select your organisation from the Organisation drop-down button.
  4. Select your location from the list of available places (under the Search bar).
    screenshot of Select your HeroTimeClock page, highlighting Organisation dropdown and Location selection  
  5. Ensure you are on either the Rostered tab or the All employees tab.
  6. Tap Start shift under your name and shift.

    A popup window will now appear.

  7. On the popup window, select your shift location on the 'Change shift location' drop-down field.
  8. Enter your six-digit passcode under where the popup window says 'Please enter your passcode'.
    screenshot of passcode window, highlighting passcode field and Change shift location field 

    Your shift will now begin.
End your shift
  1. Ensure you are on one of the following tabs: Rostered, Shift started, or All employees.
  2. Find your name and tap End shift.
    screenshot of Rostered page, highlighting End shift button 

    Your shift will now end.

Start and end break

Start your break
  1. Ensure you are on one of the following tabs: Rostered, Shift started, or All employees.
  2. Find your name and tap Start break.
    screenshot of Rostered page, highlighting Start break button 
  3. On the popup window, enter your six-digit passcode. screenshot of Rostered page, highlighting six-digit passcode 
  4. Your break will now begin.
End your break
  1. Ensure you are on one of the following tabs: Rostered, On break, or All employees.
  2. Find your name and tap End break.
    screenshot of On break page, highlighting End break button 
  3. Alternatively, if you would like to end both your break and your shift, tap End break & shift.
  4. On the popup window, enter your passcode.
    screenshot of On break page, highlighting passcode field 

    If you tapped End break, your break alone will now have ended. However, if you tapped End break & shift, both your break and your shift will now have ended.

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