Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following Payroll classic plans: Standard, Premium
As an organisation, you may utilise multiple employing entities that each have a different ABN and that need customisation options tailored for each entity. By utilising a payroll platform that offers this level of flexibility will enable you to tailor your organisational setup based on each entity, meaning you can view, report and process payroll actions on a per entity basis.
The Employing Entities feature in the payroll platform allows for your organisation, for example, to have the correct pay slip information and logo displayed for your employees regardless of which entity they work under. Another example is superannuation processing through Beam, our clearing house, where you can register a specific entity with Beam, allowing you to process and report on superannuation lodgements per entity.
When you create an employing entity on the HR platform, it synchronises your organisational details with the payroll platform automatically. However, when you create an entity on the payroll platform, it does not automatically synchronise with the HR platform. To read information on how to synchronise the changes made on the payroll platform with the HR platform, refer to the following article.
Whilst you can process a single pay run with employees from multiple entities, the pay run will still only produce one pay run in a journal. I.e, we will not create a separate journal for each employing entity. To achieve that, you will need to split the pay runs and process separate pay runs for each employing entity.
Getting started
The below premises will walk you through how to set up an employing entity.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Add button.
- Complete the following fields:
- Name.
- ABN.
- Branch number.
- Address line 1.
- Address line 2.
- Suburb.
- Contact name.
- Contact phone number.
- Contact fax number.
- Contact email address.
- Signatory name.
- Pay slip notification via email.
- External ID.
- Is this a foreign (overseas) entity?
Helpful Hint
Select the Is this a Foreign (Overseas) Entity checkbox if the employing entity is a foreign entity, and then select the country of the entity's origin. It is essential this step if you have employees classified with the Inbound Assignee to Australia income type that are employed by this entity, as it needs to be reported through Single Touch Payroll (STP).
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Employing Entity that needs a logo added.
- Click the Choose a Logo button and select the required file.
Helpful Hint
You will now see the uploaded logo on your screen.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Employing Entity that needs a default super fund added.
- Click the Add button.
- Enter the name of the super fund into the search bar and click the Search button.
- Click the desired super fund name.
- Complete the following fields:
- Super fund phone number.
- Super fund website address.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Employing Entity that needs registering with Beam.
- Click Register with Beam button.
- Complete the following fields in the Business Details section:
- Business identifier type
- Business identifier number.
- Business name.
- Complete the following fields in the Your Registered or Physical Business Address section:
- Address type.
- Address line 1.
- Address line 2.
- Address line 3.
- Address line 4.
- Suburb/town.
- State/territory.
- Postcode.
- Country Code.
- Complete the following fields in the Contact Details section:
- Title.
- First name.
- Last name.
- Email.
- Area code.
- Phone number.
- Click the Next button.
- Complete the Do you Intend to Use Direct Debit section:
- No.
- Yes:
- BSB.
- Account number.
- Account name.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Next button.
- Make the required changes on the Default Fund page and click the Next button.
- Agree to the required terms and conditions.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Back to Payroll button.
Helpful Hint
You need to register with Beam first, before you can add a refund bank account. Also, you can only have one bank account for each employing entity, and one external journal integration.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Employing Entity that needs a refund bank account added.
- Click the Add button.
- Complete the following fields:
- Account name.
- BSB number.
- Account number.
- Click the Save button.
The below premises will walk you through how to manage your employing entities.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Employing Entity that needs superannuation details edited.
- Click the Default Super Fund that needs editing.
- Make the required changes and click the Save button.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Employing Entity that needs a logo changed.
- Click the Choose another Logo button and select the required file.
Helpful Hint
You will now see the uploaded logo on your screen.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Employing Entity that needs Beam details edited
- Click the Edit Details in Beam button.
- Make the required changes on the Your Details page and click the Next button.
- Make the required changes on the Payment Method page and click the Next button.
- Make the required changes on the Default Fund page and click the Next button.
- Accept the relevant terms and conditions and click the Next button.
- Click the Back to Payroll button.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Employing Entities button.
- Click the Manage Employing Entities tab.
- Click the Employing Entity that needs a refund bank account edited.
- Click the refund bank account that needs editing.
- Make the required changes and click the Save button.
The payroll platform only allows the deletion of an employing entity when an employee assigned to that entity has not received payment in a pay run.
Watch the training video
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