How do I set up my organisation's business details via the Payroll platform?

Available for the following Payroll Plan: Standard, Premium
Available for the following User Access levels: Admin

As a business, you will constantly undergo changes that could be just be a simple phone number change right through to updating your business name and legal entity. You can use the Business Details feature to update your organisational information stored within your payroll platform. The platform will reflect these changes you made in the business details section throughout the entire payroll platform.

Editing business details

Edit business details
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  4. Click the   Details button.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Business name.


      The Business Name is a required field that the platform uses as your display name and allows Employment Hero to identify your organisation.

    • Legal name.


      This is the name that appears on your employees’ pay slips.

    • Is this a foreign overseas entity?
      • Host country.
    • ABN.


      The ABN field is a requirement because it is the unique identifier used by the ATO to identify your business during electronic lodgements.

    • Address Line 1.
    • Address Line 2.
    • Suburb.
    • Contact name.

      Helpful Tip

      This is the name that will appear in the notifications sent from the platform.

    • Contact email address.

      Helpful Tip

      This is the email address that will appear in the notifications sent from the platform.

    • Contact phone number.
    • Contact fax number.
    • Standard hours per day.


      The value assigned here defines the default standard work day. It will mean when leave for a day gets applied for, this is how many hours it will default to. If you have any business rules requiring overtime to be calculated on a daily basis, this number will drive when overtime is triggered. Employers with a week defined as 38 hours might have 7.6 hours set here.

      What you enter here can be changed on an employee level for anyone it does not apply to via their Pay Run Defaults screen. What you set here will be the default value for new employees, so we would suggest you apply your most common setting here.

    • Work week.
    • Allow SMS notifications.
    • Automatically update super rates.

      Helpful Hint

      From July 1 2013 to 2025, super guarantee rates will increase gradually from 9% to 12%. Check this box if you want the platform to update these rates automatically from the next financial year.

      To update manually in the interim, please refer to this article: Managing your pay categories | Payroll Web Platform.

  6. Click the Save button.
Change the business's primary contact 
Unlike the HR platform, the payroll platform does not have an owner. Instead, the highest-ranking role is a full-access admin user. You can learn how to change admin access in this article.  There is also a Contact name that can be changed in the Business Details section, although this does not change access rights. To learn how to change the Contact name, see the Edit business details section above. 

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