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Manage rosters

Available for the following HR plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Manager, Admin    

Rostering Management lets you add, allocate, delete, publish, and unpublish a shift. You can also create roster templates, filter rosters by cost centre or employee, and switch to daily, weekly, and fortnightly views. Employees will be able to see their shifts in Employment Hero Work (EH Work), as Rostering Management is fully integrated with the EH Work app. They will also get an email notification each time you publish a shift assigned to them.


Rostering is not available to multi-payroll organisations.
Employees and managers can use the Rostering Management feature if they have access via Custom Security Settings.
Organisations, connected to ‌payroll software (except ‌KeyPay), can use this feature.

Shift management

Add a new shift
  1. Click the Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click the block for when you want to create a shift.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting a shift block
  4. In the Create a shift panel, enter the following:
    • From (date).
    • To (date).
    • From (time).
    • To (time).
    • Breaks.
    • Location (cost centre).
    • Employee.
    • Notes.
  5. Click the Save or the Save and Publish button.
    screenshot of create a shift then click save or save and publish

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the shift you have just created. To publish the shift, refer to the Publish a Shift tab, which is the next item in this section.

    screenshot of the rostering management page, showing the created shift
Publish a shift

Helpful Hint

You cannot edit or delete a shift once it has been published; you have to unpublish it first.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click the Roster Actions  dropdown button.
  4. Click the Publish Shift button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting roster actions and publish shift
  5. Click the checkbox for each shift you want to publish.
  6. Click the Publish Shifts button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting two shifts and the publish shifts button
  7. Click the Submit button.
    screenshot of the publish shift pop up, highlighting the submit button

    Helpful Hint

    Published shifts will appear light blue in colour.

    screenshot of the rostering management page, showing published shifts
Bulk-publish shifts with the dynamic publish button
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click on the Publish x shifts button in the top left-hand corner.
    screenshot of publish all shifts button highlighted
  4. Click Publish on the pop up box.
    screenshot of are you sure you want to publish all shifts pop up

Helpful Hint

Published shifts will appear light blue in colour.

screenshot of the rostering management page, showing published shifts
Save a roster as a template

Helpful Hint

You can save rosters as templates based on the time-period view you are using. For example, if you are on a Weekly view, you can save the shifts for that week as a template. If you are on a Fortnightly view, you can create a template based on the roster for that fortnight.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Go to the time period with the roster you want to save as a template.

    Helpful Hint

    For example, if you want to create a roster based on the shifts for the week of 15th to the 21st January, choose the weekly view and go to the week showing these dates. Both published and unpublished shifts in that period will be included in the template.

  4. Click the Roster Actions dropdown button.
  5. Click Save Template button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting roster actions and save template
  6. Enter the Name and Description of the shift template.
  7. Click the Save button.

    Helpful Hint

    The roster has now been saved as a template. To use it, please refer to the Use a roster template tab, which is the next item in this section.

    screenshot of the save shift template popup, highlighting the save button
Use a roster template
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Go to the time period where you want to apply the roster template to.

    Helpful Hint

    For example, if you want to use a one-week roster template for the week of 22nd to the 28th January, choose the weekly view and go to the week showing these dates.

  4. Click the Roster Actions dropdown button.
  5. Click the Load Templates button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting roster actions and load templates
  6. Select the roster template you want to use.
  7. Click the Load Template button.
    screenshot of the load roster templates panel, highlighting a template and the load template button

    Helpful Hint

    The roster template will now be applied to the time period you need, but you still need to publish the shifts to finalise them. You can still edit, delete, or unpublish the shifts as usual.

    screenshot showing of the rostering management page, showing the loaded template
Filter shifts by location (cost centre)


"Location" in Rostering Management refers to the employee's cost centre, not their work location. To learn more about setting up cost centres, please refer to this article: Manage your organisation's cost centres.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click the Location dropdown.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting the location dropdown
  4. Choose the cost centre you want to view.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the shifts under the cost centre you chose.

    screenshot of the rostering manage page, showing the shifts for a specific location

Ways to view the roster

See a quick view of employees' shifts by hours
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.

    Helpful Hint

    You can now see a quick view of the number of hours each employee is assigned. These numbers represent the shifts assigned to each employee for the time period view you are using. Time period refers to the weekly, daily, or fortnightly views on the Rostering Management page.

    screenshot of the rostering manage page, highlighting the quick view of shift hours for employees
Change the roster view

You can change the way you view shifts by changing how the roster is displayed. You can choose to view the roster daily, weekly, fortnightly, over 4 weeks or monthly. This helps to keep track of shifts. Below is how to change your view.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Use the Time by Entity dropdown menu to choose how you want the roster to appear. You can display the roster by location or by employee. In both views, you'll see a list of timeframes to choose from. These include:
    • Daily by location
    • Weekly.
    • Fortnightly.
    • 4 weeks.
    • Monthly
      Rostering views
  4. Click your selection and the roster will automatically appear in that view.
  5. Click the < and > buttons to navigate to the needed day, week, or fortnight.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting the arrows to navigate view periods
View an employee's shifts
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click the Search bar.
  4. Type the name of the employee you need.
  5. Click the name of the employee.
    screenshot of the rostering manage page, highlighting the search bar and employee name

    Helpful Hint

    You can now see the employee's shifts for the time period view you are using. Time period refers to the weekly, daily, or fortnightly views on the Rostering Management page.

    screenshot of the rostering manage page, showing the shifts for an employee

Editing data

Edit a shift
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click the  button for the shift you want to edit.
    screenshot of the rostering manage page, highlighting the edit button for a shift

    Helpful Hint

    You cannot edit a shift once it has been published; you have to unpublish it first. Refer to the Unpublish a shift tab in the Removing data section of this article to read more.

  4. In the Edit a shift panel, make the necessary changes.
  5. Click the Save or Save and Publish button.
    screenshot of edit a shift then click save or save and publish
Move shifts by dragging and dropping

You can drag and drop unpublished shifts to move them to a new time. This feature is available in both Location View and Employee View. To drag and drop a shift:

  1. Click and hold a shift tile.
    Click on the shift you want to drag and drop
  2. While holding down the mouse button, move it to the new time you want.
    move the shift
  3. Drop the shift into the new location.
    shift moved successfully
  4. You will see Updated shift successfully! when you have moved the shift.

Removing data

Unpublish a shift

Helpful Hint

You cannot edit or delete a shift once it has been published; you have to unpublish it first.

  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click the Roster Actions  dropdown button.
  4. Click the Unpublish Shift button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting roster actions and unpublish shift
  5. Click the checkbox for each shift you want to delete.
  6. Click the Unpublish Shifts button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting two shifts and the unpublish shift button
  7. Click the Submit button.
    screenshot of the unpublish shift pop up, highlighting the submit button

    Helpful Hint

    Unpublished shifts will appear grey in colour.

    screenshot of the rostering management page, showing the unpublished shifts
Delete a shift
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click the Roster Actions  dropdown button.
  4. Click the Delete Shifts button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting roster actions and delete shifts
  5. Click the checkbox for each shift you want to delete.

    Helpful Hint

    You cannot delete a shift once it has been published; you have to unpublish it first. To unpublish the shift, refer to the Unpublish a Shift tab, which is the next item in this section.

  6. Click the Delete Shifts button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting two shifts and the delete shift button
  7. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the delete shift pop up, highlighting the delete button
Delete a roster template
  1. Click the  Time menu.
  2. Under Rosters, click the Rostering Management submenu.
  3. Click the Roster Actions dropdown button.
  4. Click Load Templates button.
    screenshot of the rostering management page, highlighting roster actions and load templates
  5. Click the  button for the roster template you want to delete.
    screenshot of the load roster templates panel, highlighting the delete button for a template
  6. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the delete template pop up, highlighting the delete button

Further information

How will employees know if their shift has been published or unpublished?

Employees will receive an email notification every time they have a shift published or unpublished. The details are as follows:

  • Email notification for a published shift:
    screenshot of the email notification for a published shift
  • Email notification for an unpublished shift:
    screenshot of the email notification for an unpublished shift

  Don't have access to this feature? Contact our friendly sales team here if you’d like to upgrade your account to gain access to Roster Management with Employment Hero today.

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  • Manage leaveThis feature allows you to manage your organisation's leave requests and view each employee's leave balance.
  • Manage weekly hours-based timesheetsThis feature allows you to approve, decline, or submit timesheets for employees.
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