Available reports
Section | Name | Available | Download | Purpose | Plan |
Asset | Asset register management | Create a list of assets owned by your organisation | Premium, Platinum | ||
Asset disposal |
Create a report to analyse the resources disposed of within your organisation |
Premium, Platinum |
Asset inventory by status | Create a report to analyse the resources within your organisation, what is available to allocate, and what you have already assigned to your employees | Premium, Platinum | |||
Asset inventory category | Create a report on the resources within your organisation, what type they fall under, and how many of each type you have allocated to your employees. | Premium, Platinum | |||
Asset inventory to return | Create a report to analyse what resources within your organisation still need returning by your terminated employees. | Premium, Platinum | |||
Compliance | Audit trail |
Allows you to view the details of each update made to a record. |
Standard, Premium, Platinum |
Certification reporting | Allows you to see how your employees are progressing with their assigned certifications, understand what is overdue, and when their manager approved their submission. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | |||
Document reporting |
Create a report to analyse the stage the HR documents are at within your organisation and see who needs reminding to sign a document. |
Standard, Premium, Platinum |
Policies and induction content | Create a report to analyse what documentation your employees have acknowledged and what is still overdue. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | |||
Custom Reporting | Building Custom Reports | Build your own reports from scratch. | Premium, Platinum | ||
Learning | Assigned learning report | Create a report on the progress made by your employees on their assigned learning material, and see details such as their pass status and assigned content type. | Premium, Platinum | ||
Leave | Leave taken | Create a report to analyse leave requests within a specific date period, broken down by the leave category and status. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | ||
Accrued leave |
Create a report to analyse leave accrues within a specific date period, broken down by the leave category and team. |
Standard, Premium, Platinum |
Performance | Employee company goal alignment | Analyse what individual and team goals are in alignment with your overall company goals and view details of a specific goal and its key results. | Platinum | ||
Employee goal setting | Analyse which of your employees have allocated goals (OKRs) and view the in-depth details of a specific goal and its key results, such as who made what progress update, at what time, and any relevant comments. | Platinum | |||
Goal progress reporting | Analyse the headway made by employees within your organisation on their allocated goals (OKRs). | Platinum | |||
One on One (1:1) reporting | Report on how your employees and their managers are doing with their One on One (1:1) sessions. Drill this down by the guests that attended, the organiser of the event, the date it occurred, and the meeting status. | Platinum | |||
Performance review reporting | Create a report to analyse how employees and their managers are going with their assigned performance reviews. | Premium, Platinum | |||
Recruitment | Candidate Flow | Create a report on which employees are sending and receiving recognition within your organisation and view the recognition details, such as the reason for submission, the status and the company value nominated. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | ||
Time to Hire | Analyse the top teams and employees within your organisation at sending and receiving shout-outs | Standard, Premium, Platinum | |||
Candidate Source | Analyse the top teams and employees within your organisation at sending and receiving shout-outs. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | |||
Reward and Recognition | Employee recognition reporting | Create a report on which employees are sending and receiving recognition within your organisation and view the recognition details, such as the reason for submission, the status and the company value nominated. | Premium, Platinum | ||
Shout out reporting | Analyse the top teams and employees within your organisation at sending and receiving shout-outs. | Premium, Platinum | |||
Security | 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) security | Analyse how many of your employees have enabled this added security measure. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | ||
Time and Attendence |
Employee timesheet submission | Report on your organisation's timesheet submissions and see details such as the current approval stage and the allocated work type. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | ||
Workforce | Active employee headcount | Analyse what your headcount was at a specific date broken down by their employment type and location. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | ||
Employee termination | Report on your organisations terminated employees, their location, and the termination type assigned to their record. | Standard, Premium, Platinum | |||
Running a tenure report | Run the Tenure Report so managers and administrators can track and check for how long your employees have been working with your company. | Premium, Platinum | |||
Workforce snapshot |
Snapshot to see three key statistics about your organisation; gender, employment status, and employee age breakdowns. |
Standard, Premium, Platinum |