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STP Lodgement Warnings
This section provides you with information on what causes lodgment warnings to trigger for an STP submission.
- Glossary of common STP lodgement validation warnings for the Payroll platform
- 'Business is not enabled for lodgement STP lodgement' warning on the Payroll platform
- A valid address is required STP lodgement warning
- A valid postcode is required STP lodgement warning
- Address is too long STP lodgement warning
- ATO Supplier details must be completed STP lodgement warning
- Cessation reason code must be provided STP lodgement warning
- Country code is invalid STP lodgement warning on the Payroll platform
- Country Code must be provided STP lodgement warning
- Duplicate income stream type STP lodgement warning
- Employer declaration signatory contains invalid characters STP lodgement warning
- Employing entity {Name} is not enabled for lodgement STP lodgement warning
- Foreign tax paid amount must be greater than zero | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Intermediary {Business Name} has invalid characters in the contact phone number | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Intermediary {Business Name} must have a contact phone number | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Invalid date of birth | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Invalid email address | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Lump Sum Financial Year must be provided | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Payee cessation date must be provided | Payroll STP lodgement warning:
- Phone number cannot be more than 16 characters | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Tax agent declaration signatory contains invalid characters | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Tax file number is invalid | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- The ABN entered for the Intermediary under ATO Settings is invalid | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- The ABN entered for the Tax/BAS Agent under ATO Settings is invalid | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- The ABN entered for the {organisation name} under ATO Settings is invalid | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- The pay category name or allowance description isn't a recognised JobKeeper identifier | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- The pay category name or allowance description isn't a recognised JobMaker identifier | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- This event cannot be the first lodgement for the financial year | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Year to date allowances must not be negative | Payroll STP lodgement warning
- Year to date super deductions must not be negative | Payroll STP lodgement warning